Senior Member
Who is taking photos of the Twin Towers down, and from where?
I doubt any social medium is taking down pictures of the attack on Sept 11. Pictures and stories are on the news, internet, literally everywhere.Who is taking photos of the Twin Towers down, and from where?
A lot going on at that time...My first and only trip to NYC was in the summer of 2003. I visited ground zero, at that time it was a big pit. The buildings surrounding the site were all still damaged and some being dismantled. It was quite a sight.
I was only in 2nd grade when it happened,
WOWOsama Bin Laden was Islamic
Qur'an is word of God for Muslims
4 Quotes from Qur'an, Abdel Haleem version
Chapter and verse
Surah 8:15-17 "Believers, When you meet the disbelievers in battle, never turn your backs on them. If anyone does so on such a day – unless maneuvering to fight or to join a fighting group – he incurs the wrath of God, and hell will be his home, a wretched destination! It was not you who killed them but God." There were disbelievers, non-Muslims, in the World Trade Center. By Islamic doctrine, God killed them. Osama bin Laden's terrorists were just God's agents.
Surah 2:191 "Kill them wherever you encounter them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, for persecution is more serious than killing. Do not fight them at the sacred Mosque unless they fight you there. If they do fight you, kill them – this is what such disbelievers deserve." Disbelievers deserve to be killed.
Surah 9:111 "God has purchased the persons and possessions of the believers in return for the Garden – they fight in God's way: they killed and are killed – this is the true promise given by him in the Torah, the gospel, and the Qur'an." Those terrorists thought they were dying for God, for good reason. They were being killed in God's way.
Surah 33:15 Yet they had already promised God that they would not turn tail and flee, and a promise to God will be answered for. Say, "Running away will not benefit you. If you manage to escape death or slaughter, you will only be permitted to enjoy life for a short while." That's the threat for any Islamic who doesn't fight.
These passages barely scratch the surface of the violence in the Qur'an and what it can be used to justify against non-Muslims.
RELIGION OF PEACE. That congresswoman from Nigeria/Minnesota is a LIAR! May the souls of those Islam murdered on 9/11 rest in peace. And may peace be on their families this day. The blood of those killed is on the hands of all Islamics/Muslims for promoting the Qur'an as the word of God.
Why did you read a thread on 9/11 if you didn't want to hear comments on 9/11? Unlike most Islamic countries, we have free speech. It's part of American life. BTW, there's a lot more violence in the Qur'an than just those 4 quotes. Antiquated organized religion can be very violent and take innocent lives. Asks the Yazidis.WOWHOW DID I END UP HERE? **** JUST GOT WEIRD AND BY THE NUMBER OF LIKES I SEE ALOT OF THIS
after reading your first post here, i tried to imagine Jesus advocating murder. nope, just not happening.BTW, there's a lot more violence in the Qur'an than just those 4 quotes.
I was 10 years old when President Kennedy was assassinated, fully aware of it at that time growing up in the other commie crazy era. Many may not remember or were alive when 'McCarthyism' or "the McCarthy era" was going on, my oh my have we gone full circle (again).
Believe me the Kennedy Assassination was a much bigger deal than 9/11.
As a whole the majority of us agree that we will never forget, it's the few in the Democrat party and their biased supporting media who want to bury the memories.9/11 remains to this day the most horrific date in my life. It doesn't matter how and I won't bother to explain. It just was.
What is probably the most heart breaking outcome after all these years is how the country, as a whole, has forgotten 9/11 and anybody under 25 doesn't give a ****.
The biggest hurt inside me is seeing this country continuating to forget "Never Forget". The rage inside me about this is beyond description.
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Is the above "Never Forget?". As a whole this country sucks.
Osama Bin Laden was Islamic
Qur'an is word of God for Muslims
4 Quotes from Qur'an, Abdel Haleem version
Chapter and verse
Surah 8:15-17 "Believers, When you meet the disbelievers in battle, never turn your backs on them. If anyone does so on such a day – unless maneuvering to fight or to join a fighting group – he incurs the wrath of God, and hell will be his home, a wretched destination! It was not you who killed them but God." There were disbelievers, non-Muslims, in the World Trade Center. By Islamic doctrine, God killed them. Osama bin Laden's terrorists were just God's agents.
Surah 2:191 "Kill them wherever you encounter them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, for persecution is more serious than killing. Do not fight them at the sacred Mosque unless they fight you there. If they do fight you, kill them – this is what such disbelievers deserve." Disbelievers deserve to be killed.
Surah 9:111 "God has purchased the persons and possessions of the believers in return for the Garden – they fight in God's way: they killed and are killed – this is the true promise given by him in the Torah, the gospel, and the Qur'an." Those terrorists thought they were dying for God, for good reason. They were being killed in God's way.
Surah 33:15 Yet they had already promised God that they would not turn tail and flee, and a promise to God will be answered for. Say, "Running away will not benefit you. If you manage to escape death or slaughter, you will only be permitted to enjoy life for a short while." That's the threat for any Islamic who doesn't fight.
These passages barely scratch the surface of the violence in the Qur'an and what it can be used to justify against non-Muslims.
RELIGION OF PEACE. That congresswoman from Nigeria/Minnesota is a LIAR! May the souls of those Islam murdered on 9/11 rest in peace. And may peace be on their families this day. The blood of those killed is on the hands of all Islamics/Muslims for promoting the Qur'an as the word of God.
People taking scripture literally happens in every religion. When that scripture (God's supposed word) advocates violence, some practitioners are going to take that literally. As we saw on 9/11, the consequences are disastrous. The rest of a book is irrelevant, if part of that book gets innocent people killed. Better to discard the book and the religion, form your own relationship with God, and save lives. Religious books are replaceable with better books. Human lives are irreplaceable and invaluable. We can't sacrifice lives to keep books.after reading your first post here, i tried to imagine Jesus advocating murder. nope, just not happening.
I read the comment as well. I have gotten in more than a few political arguments and made enemies here, but im trying not to do that here. I want to believe the guy who posted that comment didnt mean it exactly that way.Of all the asinine comments to make...on the anniversary of 9/11...in spite of the fact your parents probably said the same thing about Pearl Harbor compared to the Kennedy assassination AND I'm SURE you fully understood the impact and effects of McCarthyism at the ripe old age of 10. Honest to Christ man, choose your spots wisely. Not the time or the place to have a historical johnson-measuring competition.
Scott, if you truly want to honor those who gave up their lives that day, and the brave first responders who went into those burning buildings to try and rescue people than you should rethink your comments.As a whole the majority of us agree that we will never forget, it's the few in the Democrat party and their biased supporting media who want to bury the memories.
I will never forget to honor those who gave their lives and hearts to help their fellow Americans.
The Media Sucks, The Democrats Suck, Don't watch them and Don't Vote for them !
So sorry for the ranting but lets try to unite and not point fingers at least on this
Did you see Obama carry on like a ******* and tell everyone how great he was, what a great leader he was for ordering the attack? No you didnt.