Old Man with a Hat
Yes, I did....Did you see Obama ... tell everyone how great he was, what a great leader he was for ordering the attack...
Caveat Emptor...
Yes, I did....Did you see Obama ... tell everyone how great he was, what a great leader he was for ordering the attack...
Ive read enough of your postings to know were your coming from and your reply to me, you've got some nerve.If you meant this...
You wouldn't have put this...
On this occasion, I'm in no mood for an argument, so I'll let it go...
Its past the eleventh fool.I thought you said you weren't going to argue on this solemn occasion... so much for that I guess...
Oh, that's right you're arguing with yourself.
Didn't find anything wrong with his post.ignored post # 35 by a guy who just joined the forum yesterday and could'nt wait to post his garbage.
Kinda works against the idea of a forum.dont reply to me, you and anyone els
I dont know what media you listen to but I swear I heard the murdering scum who killed my fellow New Yorkers and the other innocent souls described as terrorist's . Thats what they were. You are very correct about first responders suffering serious illness and dyeing as a result of exposure to toxins released into the air at ground zero but in addition many other people who worked there after the collapse.Well, I have been noticing a lot of things that the media does and I've been noticing it for several decades now. From how they mislead us with the little things, like a rather important detail that they chose to leave out of a local story about alleged street racing to the way that they try to shape every story about any kind of weather event into a "Climate Change Emergency". They omit, exaggerate and lie about the little things and they omit, exaggerate and lie about the big things.
Yes, I have also noticed how the media choose all of their words so carefully whenever an act of terrorism takes place, to make sure that they never refer to the terrorists as terrorists. Nope, the media won't say the word terrorist. Instead, they refer to them as "a man with a knife" or "an armed gunman" or "armed gunmen", if there happened to be more than one terrorist involved in the attack. Yeah, just random generic terms. We find out afterward, usually through talk radio or internet media, that the "armed gunman" uttered a certain phrase as he was committing the attack. The media also love to use the words "militants" and "insurgents" instead of terrorists, again just so they can make it all seem random and generic. So, it wouldn't surprise me that much, if the mainstream media tries to choose the "less graphic" photographs and images to put up, probably so as not to stir up any animosity toward people who happen to be of the same religious background as the terrorists who committed the attack.
The mainstream media rarely report anything without having some agenda behind it. Whether they are pushing an issue to get legislation passed, trying to help the agenda of some activist group or trying to help a certain political party to get elected, you can be sure that almost every "news" story is part of an agenda.
The 9/11 attack killed over 3,000 innocent people, not just in the buildings, but also the passengers in the airliners. Then there were all of the "first responders" who died later, because of hazardous toxins they were exposed to. The lives of those people who were lost must continue to be honored and that horrible attack must not be forgotten.
I guess you wouldn't find anything wrong with a guy who posts bullshit as long as it fits your beliefs.Didn't find anything wrong with his post.
I stopped watching the news because it's 99% BS.
If Democrats think Joe Biden is the best choice they need more help than I thought.
Raised be Democrats, become more conservative each and every year. Even my progressive mother thinks Biden is an idiot.
Any group that wants illegal immigrants to vote, sucks. They don't care about america, they only care about themselves, and the money they can pull in. Why don't they take in a Black family, and put them up and pay for all their needs? They have lost touch with reality, trying to elect someone who can't string one simple thought together?
Kinda works against the idea of a forum.
All children at the appropriate age should learn about the attack on 9/11. I know some of my older grandchildren already do.9/11 remains to this day the most horrific date in my life. It doesn't matter how and I won't bother to explain. It just was.
What is probably the most heart breaking outcome after all these years is how the country, as a whole, has forgotten 9/11 and anybody under 25 doesn't give a ****.
The biggest hurt inside me is seeing this country continuating to forget "Never Forget". The rage inside me about this is beyond description.
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Is the above "Never Forget?". As a whole this country sucks.
Yeah, those Dems never lie to further their agenda. They are all lying pieces of ****, all of them. At least Donald is still the same smarmy pile of lies he was before he got elected. How big is AOC's bank account now? I'm sure there's no money from anyone other than the US government in her account.I guess you wouldn't find anything wrong with a guy who posts bullshit as long as it fits your beliefs.
For all the remarks about Biden who wasn't my first pick but than again none of the supposedly wanna bees were, I find it kind of sad that you would support a dismal lying person like Donald Trump who has did his best to divide this country the likes of have never been seen.
Do I believe what he said about losers and suckers? Given what we know as fact of what he already has said, given the fact that he did everything possible and succeeded to avoid military service to this country. Given the fact that he accused our military leaders accusing them of promoting war. Given the fact of what he said about POW's , then yes I believe he did say what he did, and as far as im concerned that makes him a traitor and a disgrace
Now illegals voting, that we can agree on
I dont lie and I didnt lie in anything in this thread, I was wrong about Obama with promoting the killing of Bin Laden and I admitted itYeah, those Dems never lie to further their agenda. They are all lying pieces of ****, all of them. At least Donald is still the same smarmy pile of lies he was before he got elected. How big is AOC's bank account now? I'm sure there's no money from anyone other than the US government in her account.
But someone voicing their opinion, which differs from yours, doesn't make that person any less able to state that opinion, like it or not.
I won't vote for anyone who feels that rioting and looting are acceptable forms of demonstration, and I have yet to hear Democrats denounce the actions of said rioters. The fact they embrace those actions, speaks more about why we need to rid our legislatures of people who think destroying the country is the right way to get things done.
It's about time we had a non politician in office, it seems to be working, it's pissing off the opposite side. Maybe they realize the gig is up, and americans are sick of the BS. If Biden is elected, I'll be stocking up on bullets. Too many crazy people who would do harm to try to prove their point, rather than prove it with facts. I'm glad I live in farm country, those idiots won't stand a chance around here.
Its past the eleventh fool.
Typical of your kind. You try and start your BS with me but ignored post # 35 by a guy who just joined the forum yesterday and could'nt wait to post his garbage.
Did you find the video of the thousands of Muslims cheering the attack and collapse of the twin towers yet?
I guess not but keep looking
Its past the eleventh fool.
I guess you didnt read some of the other posts like #35 for example. Or is it ok when it suites your agenda. Your a typical two faced hypocrite, a phony who looks the other way and cant stand on his own two feetLeave it to a clown like you to turn a 9/11 thread into this. You've got real class.
LOL. What a fool says.I was referring to the thread as a WHOLE, clown. I'm pretty sure everyone else understood that clearly.
Unlike you I don't live in the basement like your hero, Joe Biden. I have a life and can't sit here 24/7 waiting for some idiot to make stupid comments.
I agree that the media makes terrorism seem random. They use terms like "radicals" rather than "muslims". Also, investigating the motivation behind the terrorism seems to be an area they will not delve into. The Qur'an is only 446 pages in paperback. If westerners read the book, we would have a much better understanding of where terrorism comes from and a base to start a nationwide and then worldwide discussion of violence of religious doctrine and the consequences there of. The result might change us from the politically correct doctrine of "coexist" to the morally correct doctrine of: "It is wrong to practice religion that gives justification for persecuting, hurting, and killing others"W The media also love to use the words "militants" and "insurgents" instead of terrorists, again just so they can make it all seem random and generic. So, it wouldn't surprise me that much, if the mainstream media tries to choose the "less graphic" photographs and images to put up, probably so as not to stir up any animosity toward people who happen to be of the same religious background as the terrorists who committed the attack.