I was going to resist the temptation to wade into this but have decided to take a different approach. In this regard I only ask what level of certainty do you as a religious person have in the existence of God. Before you answer please take the time to read and listen to the following.
Psychological Harms of Bible-Believing Christianity
This response is really only intended for Fratzog - read it if you wish, but I am not expecting that anyone else might.
Although I would like this thread to end, I felt Fratzog at least deserved a response to his well-intended inquiry.
To respond, I would like to ask Fratzog to consider the following scenario, even if you don't believe in its likelihood at this point in time in your life.
Lets just accept for this example, that the God of the Bible is who He says He is and your are brought to appear before Him when your life on this planet ceases, and he asks why you "didn't believe in Him?" - keep in mind the gravity of the interview, here you are standing before the claimed creator of universe who ends up being real (in this example), and your knees are probably knocking even if you DO believe in Him.
He asks you the following questions before you respond:
Who did you think created the mountains, the skies, the sea, and mankind itself? He asks: Don't you think that the creation of a human being is a miracle? Or do you really believe a human being just evolved from dirt by random chance into what you, for example, became?
The Bible is the most prevalent book on religion in the world (as your video confirms), even granting that there are other books making religious claims of high volume too, and given that Christianity is the largest religion in the world, what did you do to examine the claims of the Bible that it is the insprired, inerrant word of God? Or did you just look for an excuse to ignore it?
Did you notice or hear that it says "no one, no not even one person, seeks after God". Did you wonder then how anyone is saved? Did you ever even look into that claim or reflect then on that question?
As God, I don't believe you have an excuse for ignoring me since the creation alone shows there is a divine hand in its making. So what is your defense?
Your response:
"I saw a video that basically made a statistical claim that since there are thousands or more religions in the world, what are the chances that only one is correct and all the rest are wrong" and it was compelling to me because "it
proved" that God doesn't exist". So God is then clearly a fabrication of mankind (based on the various examples in the video of how a religion might be spawned in the first place)".
How well do you think you would fare in this interview based on what you are displaying as
proof that God doesn't exist and was created by man no less.......................?
Your article on how Christianity can likely make a nut case of fear and anxiety out of an otherwise normal person is not convincing to me because it only recognizes one aspect of God, and leaves out His divine love, His forgiveness, His patience, and His dying on the cross in our place to forgive all our sins if we accept him as our lord and savior. In other words, the woman who became a wreck really didn't understand, and it might even be argued that she never even must have tried to understand the full claims of the Bible in the first place.
If you honestly ask yourself, "have I really sought to understand the God of the Bible given its number 1 standing in the world as its most accepted religion" or have I really sought to live my life my own way and not be held accountable to anyone but myself for what I want to do. In other words, I just want to be in charge of my own life without have to answer to any one else - i.e. I want to be my own god? Therein we come to the claim of the Bible again that "no one seeks after Him, no not even one" again. The truth is that unless the Holy Spirit works in our lives to cause us to what to inquire about God, no one will. And if the Bible says that, then how would anyone be "saved" unless God intervenes in our life, and if so, why then would we be held accountable to God for our not believing if he doesn't intervene to help make it happen?
I only put that out there to give one example of the need to look into the extradinary claims of the Bible and think about them. Romans 8 & 9 go into this in detail. The answers in those chapters are truly amazing and put things into great perspective. These two parts of the Bible took me years to reflect on and understand. For example, I wanted to understand how "free will" comes into play.
Also, if you really want to know how to test the Bible to see if it is true, and you are indeed considering eternity and your outcome, I would challenge you to put its guidelines to the test and see whether the promise of Galatians 5:22-23, very importantly, appear in your life over time by implementing them in your life and then evaluating the result.
If you wondered whether a Toyota or Mercedes or other make was any good, you would put them to the test to see how each holds up, or at least consult the information available on what testers and consumers found, and use that as a guideline. As Mercedess arrogantly claims, you should own "the best or nothing". Don't allow yourself to be fooled, as I too desired greatly.
All the best should you choose to really want to understand the claims of the Bible. That is what I have done over the last 45 years of my 70 years, and I have never regretted a moment of my ultimate decision finally to believe it fully in 1972. Sincerely.