mr. fix it
Old Man with a Hat
Is it a Hemi??? LOL!
Is it a Hemi??? LOL!
Just in the ebay listing.Is it a Hemi??? LOL!
You have a german U-boat? Maybe docked in Galveston Bay?
It's one of those driverless trucks where fully automatic trannies, camers, computers, gps, 250 accident prevention warning sensors are buzzing, ringing, vibrating every two seconds all remove the driver from 95% of the involvement of driving a truck. You could put a chimpanzee in the seat for litteraly bananas. Just what the companies want.
I retired in time, thank gawd.
Either the one you don't have or the one that you do have. Depends on perspective and GoogleWhat is the best oil?
If you want to get fuel economy back out of diesels get rid of the exhaust restrictions I.e.filters, mufflers, egr valves that clog open every 8000 miles. Fuel mileage will increase 30-50% no way to get a gain like that with shapes and air foils. My truck gets 6.5 and looks nothing like that spaceship.
Bring in the Monkeys.
Overall, its okay some Detroit diesel 60 series would get mid 7s. Mine is a pretty low setting but with all the local dead head miles it makes no sense to turn it up.
The new cow piss trucks might get mid fives doing the work I do/terrain. The 08-10 filter and burner trucks your looking at 4.5-5.0
Sadly monkeys would be a good choice for truck driving soon, going very quickly are the tough as nuts guys who know every inch of their rig and how to fix it
Too Often these days i am reminded of the Mike judge movie "Idiocracy" - for those not familiar with it here is the IMDB listing
"Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes five centuries in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive"
The crappy fact is ppl are getting dumber and more distracted at the same time - i dont think its going to take 500 years though - more like 3-5 generations for the average joe (sorry to any Joe's out there) to be the equivalent of today's 12 year old
I know a number of teachers and the (Australian) governments way to getting kids to pass school is to constantly lower the bar, kids dont get held back in grades anymore if they fail, then when they go up a year, they cant do the work as it builds on the previous years stuff.
Just the other day i had some 17yo's in my shop who couldn't work out how many $6.50 sets of dice they could get for their $44 they had pooled, after i counted their money and got to $42, i helped them work it out - absolutely clueless without a calculator, as they were going one of them laughed and said he got a distinction in math last year - They were off to play dungeons and dragons for f#$@'s sake - even the "nerds" haven't got a hope....