Got our first real snowfall of this winter on Sunday and Monday. Very strange winter with most temps way above normal except for the second week of January with temps down to -51C and windchill to -60. Way below normal. I started with the stainless steel repair. Straitening, filing, sanding and polishing went easier than I had anticipated. Metal is thick and if you screw up it can be gone over again. Went from 6" wheels on my grinder to start then got smart and bought an 8" buffer. With the grinder the wheels are to close the grinder and stand, figured this out when I had a few pieces wack the stand just as I finishing them up and had to back sanding them out again. Even old dogs have to learn new tricks the hard way. Now as for the aluminum however, that is a whole different ball game. Tried the polishing thing first. Takes forever and really gets the metal hot. Tried oven cleaner with mixed results. Currently the small 6" piece of the grill from around the headlight bezel is somewhere off in the corner of the garage. (It didn't even have the decency to fly like a frisbee just fluttered across the room) It seems the professionals do a reverse anodizing process to remove it . Have a small plating setup for zinc and cadmium plating that I haven't set up yet and will look into if I can use this to strip the aluminum.