furyus 67
Senior Member
Well according to my wife I have anger issues. Alot of things piss me off. Things like the state of our country, the politicians that help get us here, inconciderate drivers,watching people waddling around with their pants at their knees,my dog that refuses to poop while on a leash but runs when hes off,my mom that doesnt change her oil for a year and doesnt understand why her jeep is knocking, people with a complete lack of common sense, parents that send their 15 yr old daughter's to school in yoga pants and cell phones, people that complain about their lives and do absolutely nothing to change them. And the list goes on and on.
Now to my point. Im Irish and Im sure that most of us have heard of the stigma attached to the Irish and their anger , so I had the thought of painting (tastefully of course ) a small Irish flag(2"x3") near the fury nameplates on my car with small lettering that reads " Irish" , as to say "Irish Fury". What say you fellow car enthusiasts? Down right dumb or could get a chuckle at a carshow?
Now to my point. Im Irish and Im sure that most of us have heard of the stigma attached to the Irish and their anger , so I had the thought of painting (tastefully of course ) a small Irish flag(2"x3") near the fury nameplates on my car with small lettering that reads " Irish" , as to say "Irish Fury". What say you fellow car enthusiasts? Down right dumb or could get a chuckle at a carshow?