anger issues

furyus 67

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Flint Michigan
Well according to my wife I have anger issues. Alot of things piss me off. Things like the state of our country, the politicians that help get us here, inconciderate drivers,watching people waddling around with their pants at their knees,my dog that refuses to poop while on a leash but runs when hes off,my mom that doesnt change her oil for a year and doesnt understand why her jeep is knocking, people with a complete lack of common sense, parents that send their 15 yr old daughter's to school in yoga pants and cell phones, people that complain about their lives and do absolutely nothing to change them. And the list goes on and on.
Now to my point. Im Irish and Im sure that most of us have heard of the stigma attached to the Irish and their anger , so I had the thought of painting (tastefully of course ) a small Irish flag(2"x3") near the fury nameplates on my car with small lettering that reads " Irish" , as to say "Irish Fury". What say you fellow car enthusiasts? Down right dumb or could get a chuckle at a carshow?
Nah, not anger. it comes with age. Impatience is a side effect of getting older. My Mom was dumb about cars in 1960. The damn dog ran back then too. my mother finally got a drivers license at 40 years old, and she tormented other drivers endlessly. Now, the pants, and the cell phone, that stuff is bad, and recent. None of us has an answer for that. But Cheer up, we are still here. Just ask us, we are here too.
Now another point of view since I am also Irish and can get pretty impatient. So what do I do? If I walk into a store and see a long line at checkout I immediately walk out and say I can do without for the day. I leave the office a little later to avoid the majority of traffic before driving my 15 miles home. Being 61 I have come to the realization that it is best to enjoy my life as I don't know how long it will last but it won't be as long as a 40 year old. Having a 6 year old son I could say that helps because I get to see the world through his eyes and to him everything is new so it is new to me. All this is a far cry from my 30's and 40's when my temper could get pretty hot especially with idiot motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. The notches on my belt add up to 18 encounters where the offending party paid a price. I was then living in San Francisco and decided to move out and find a more relaxing life. As for national events I don't worry about things that I can't control and won't be around for anyway. I chill out enough that my wife actually says I don't care about this or that. Oh, Brendan fell and cut his head we need to take him to the hospital! I look, see it isn't bad at all, he isn't crying and so I say he'll live. She goes bananas and says you don't care. Reality is that I have learned to stay calm and mellow even in an emergency. Someone has to.
Anger is a negative emotion, and leads nowhere. I struggle with it as well. Many do. You can control only what is in front of youin your life. Anger leads to higher blood pressure, and pain. I saw an angry father throw a radio through a window because he hated rock,n roll. Baseball bats at the rowdy neighborhood Kids, (1959) He fumed, and we were afraid to come near him. He hated everything modern. Are we any different? Only in how we choose to react to things we find disgusting in life. He died at 51 years old, angry, Isolated from what he valued, and disgusted as well. His family suffered. This is just a brief picture of life in 1959. Keep moving, don't repeat History, and think positive!!!
I say it might make some peple angry.
Haha, all the more reason to do it. I like to think I'm a simple guy. If its broke, fix it. If its not, dont! If your pants dont fit,buy a belt. If you don't want your daughters bringing sh*tbags home dont send them out in "coochie coaching" pants. Im looking forward to being that old man thats waving the finger everywhere he goes! Granted that finger will probly be my only company...
Nah, not anger. it comes with age. Impatience is a side effect of getting older. My Mom was dumb about cars in 1960. The damn dog ran back then too. my mother finally got a drivers license at 40 years old, and she tormented other drivers endlessly. Now, the pants, and the cell phone, that stuff is bad, and recent. None of us has an answer for that. But Cheer up, we are still here. Just ask us, we are here too.

Some are like that but it is not universal. I go to nursing homes to do eye exams on ages that range from 50-102 years old. Some cognizant and others in a barren world. Some are very nice and thank me for coming and talking to them and a few have said if you get near me I'll kick your ***. One took a swing at me but I was faster. One told me to hurry up and get on with things even though I had just walked into the building. They were all women and told them they were done for the day and goodbye. However, all in all it is an eye opening experience with good and sad. It is also responsible for my more relaxed attitude because after seeing one of these places you will learn that you can never know when it will be taken from you. So best to enjoy the time while you have it each day and I kid you not.
Try to live your later years like this guy. Heard him this weekend during Living Ship Day of the Hornet. Gotta admit talking to someone who was Monty's security guard, Churchill's bodyguard and who met FDR and Stalin at Tehran was like going into a time machine. He is very active, spry and enjoying life.
I'm with you there, I worked in a Hospital for ten years, and if nothing else it gives you a feeling of gratitude that you are going home,unlike many you had to deal with all night.

Some are like that but it is not universal. I go to nursing homes to do eye exams on ages that range from 50-102 years old. Some cognizant and others in a barren world. Some are very nice and thank me for coming and talking to them and a few have said if you get near me I'll kick your ***. One took a swing at me but I was faster. One told me to hurry up and get on with things even though I had just walked into the building. They were all women and told them they were done for the day and goodbye. However, all in all it is an eye opening experience with good and sad. It is also responsible for my more relaxed attitude because after seeing one of these places you will learn that you can never know when it will be taken from you. So best to enjoy the time while you have it each day and I kid you not.
I have 2 beautiful daughters that seem to tame the beast.15 and 6. Im not to the point of hating life or the people in it, and i like to think i do a decent job of not scaring the neighbors or my kids. I think the frustration comes from trying to understand the problems that I cant, then realizing that with a lack of understanding I am also unable to fix the problem. Then deciding on how to live with something that's screwed up. It doesnt make any sense . I am sorry to hear your about father polara. My grandfather became very similar after my grandma died. I thank god I havent reached that point. Ill go homestead in woods somewhere before that happens. Thanks for the interest guys,time to try and sleep with out getting pissed because i cant lol!

All I can say about is anger is that it gets you no where. I as some of you may be aware take care of my 97 year old father. He has to be the most easy going level headed non complaining person anyone has ever met. His joints (ankles, knees, hips, elbows ) are all bone on bone he is at the stage that he can hardly walk and has been in and out of the hospital & rehab center pretty much constantly since January. He never complains about his pain or anything for that matter just smiles and says OH well you just have to grin and bare it" Every nurse, doctor, physical therapist and alike have never met a man with such a positive demeanor and attitude like him. I know to me he is a great inspiration of how to be and not lose your cool over things as he says the little things are just not worth fussing over. And I for one agree and try ( YES TRY !!!) to emulate him and his attitude. I know seeing him it seems so easy for him to be like that and that is not always the case for me. When I find myself getting wound up to tight I just try to take a step back think of dad and say ......****-yolo-hakuna-matata1.jpg
Well according to my wife I have anger issues. Alot of things piss me off. Things like the state of our country, the politicians that help get us here, inconciderate drivers,watching people waddling around with their pants at their knees,my dog that refuses to poop while on a leash but runs when hes off,my mom that doesnt change her oil for a year and doesnt understand why her jeep is knocking, people with a complete lack of common sense, parents that send their 15 yr old daughter's to school in yoga pants and cell phones, people that complain about their lives and do absolutely nothing to change them. And the list goes on and on.
Now to my point. Im Irish and Im sure that most of us have heard of the stigma attached to the Irish and their anger , so I had the thought of painting (tastefully of course ) a small Irish flag(2"x3") near the fury nameplates on my car with small lettering that reads " Irish" , as to say "Irish Fury". What say you fellow car enthusiasts? Down right dumb or could get a chuckle at a carshow?

What are you, drunk ?

Interesting , the Irish are in general, drunk, not angry and Italians seem to be the most angry tempered.
People in general become more patient with age, especially while coming out of their 20s.

I've learned half a lifetime ago to stop punching everything and there is no point in getting too upset, especially over things I can not control.
Sure, I complain and ***** as much as the next guy but these days I have fun with it and like those duck feathers it rolls right off

Life is too short
I like the idea of the flag, I'm not sure everyone would get it at first, but I think it's a great play on words (symbols.)
I don't get anywhere near as worked up as I used to, a lot changed when I found me a girl that I love coming home to.
Interesting , the Irish are in general, drunk, not angry and Italians seem to be the most angry tempered.
People in general become more patient with age, especially while coming out of their 20s.

I've learned half a lifetime ago to stop punching everything and there is no point in getting too upset, especially over things I can not control.
Sure, I complain and ***** as much as the next guy but these days I have fun with it and like those duck feathers it rolls right off

Life is too short
Oh thats right, how could I have gottn that confused with a college like the Notre Dame drunkin irish lol.
Now yer gettin' the idea Matt. While still in my teen yearz I read the one that stated: "I cried because I had no shoez 'til I met a man who had no feet" and it stuck. Every time I get pissed at something stupid, I'm reminded and then it'z easy to get un-pissed. We can only know the issues in the life of the person whoz moccasins we walk thru' life in. Hope to see all my Car-budz and meet and make many new onez the 2nd weekend in July, Jer
What sounds drunk about that? I thought it was a pretty coherent statement! I was venting bro, venting!!!!:BangHead: Boy did this take of lol. Only 2 answers the original question.
What sounds drunk about that? I thought it was a pretty coherent statement! I was venting bro, venting!!!!:BangHead: Boy did this take of lol. Only 2 answers the original question.
You're getting angry again, sooo
What say you fellow car enthusiasts? Down right dumb or could get a chuckle at a carshow?
Down right dumb. :D