anger issues

Now to my point. Im Irish and Im sure that most of us have heard of the stigma attached to the Irish and their anger , so I had the thought of painting (tastefully of course ) a small Irish flag(2"x3") near the fury nameplates on my car with small lettering that reads " Irish" , as to say "Irish Fury". What say you fellow car enthusiasts? QUOTE]

I've very easy going...... But doing that would just piss me off........ :poke:
What sounds drunk about that? I thought it was a pretty coherent statement! I was venting bro, venting!!!!:BangHead: Boy did this take of lol. Only 2 answers the original question.

Just a shot at being Irish. :eek:ccasion14:
Just a shot at being Irish. :eek:ccasion14:
Notice i didnt answer the question! A beer might have been involved! Ill drink to that none the less!:stpatty1: Btw I'll post the photos after i have it painted on, just for you commando!:toothy12:
Yeah, frequent anger just leads to health problems, notably heart disease, strokes and heart attacks. I have seen many angry people finally change when any of these events became their reality. It isn't worth it. When I find myself getting angry too, I think first that I am not perfect either, second that I can't probably change the person's behavior that is affecting me, and then finally why should I let some guy affect my day because of their dumb behavior? If you really are as your wife says (maybe you aren't so bad, I don't know) I wish you the best in overcoming it. I think we all struggle with it to some degree.
I see myself as a pretty easy going person, I deal with what many conceder stressful situation quite calmly. In short I kind of take a f’it attitude. For several years I drove a commercial truck (Mack Midliner with a 20’ box) in around the SoCal area 200-300 miles a day, the traffic didn’t even phase me, still doesn’t. But and that is a big but on the highway I hate!! inconsiderate drivers, just keep right, don’t drive next to someone for miles and DO NOT TAILGATE, I WILL USE THE BRAKES! It isn’t that I want to drive fast, heck often I’m the slow one.

I recently had to drive to Berkeley from Los Angeles and I chose to take C-99 and not I-5, yes it took 30 minutes longer but a much calmer atmosphere.


PS Nothing compares to my dad, spring loaded in the pissed off position.
PPS Maybe a little demented on my part but I actually like rush hour traffic, there is nothing you can do about it so sit back and enjoy the show.
Anger management in a nutshell....

No one has to do what you want them to do... or behave like you want them to behave. They are under no obligation to you.. You have no control over them.

If you get that concept through your thick skull you are well on the way to beating anger.
Your what you want.

I had a whole different outlook on life when I got back from Iraq.

It takes quite a bit to get me really,really angry these days.....
I ams what I ams. I dont think i have much of an anger problem but I do have an idiot problem. Im just glad ive calmed enough im trying to jerk some jerk out of his car anymore! Now days everybody's got a gun. Legal or not. Have any of you heard of Flint Mi? Its almost as bad as they say!
I would never be angry if all these damn people would just go away, but every where you go there are just more people.
Seems like you're about to make a decision or have you already? Could it have any thing to do with General Motorz saying goodbye to the Buick City 50 yearz ago? Take ah buzz up to Pierson road and get ah double burger 'n strawberry malt from that hamburger joint in the Meijer's parking lot and contemplate weather you wanna be the last one out and turn off the litez or you wanna leave that for someone else tah do at some point in time in the future?
I ams what I ams. I dont think i have much of an anger problem but I do have an idiot problem. Im just glad ive calmed enough im trying to jerk some jerk out of his car anymore! Now days everybody's got a gun. Legal or not. Have any of you heard of Flint Mi? Its almost as bad as they say!
If someone really is rude, selfish, and pisses me off, I'll pick a fight with him if he is older than me... :D
Your what you want.

I had a whole different outlook on life when I got back from Iraq.

It takes quite a bit to get me really,really angry these days.....
So if I say your wife's got fat hairy legs and you motors a pile of junk you won't hit me then lol
I'm with you there, I worked in a Hospital for ten years, and if nothing else it gives you a feeling of gratitude that you are going home,unlike many you had to deal with all night.
I can relate to that lost 2 family since Xmas It's a short life enjoy while you can
Seems like you're about to make a decision or have you already? Could it have any thing to do with General Motorz saying goodbye to the Buick City 50 yearz ago? Take ah buzz up to Pierson road and get ah double burger 'n strawberry malt from that hamburger joint in the Meijer's parking lot and contemplate weather you wanna be the last one out and turn off the litez or you wanna leave that for someone else tah do at some point in time in the future?
I watched them tear Buick city down three generations of my family work there. Before that I watched them tear down Chevy in the hole,two generations there ,before that I watched them tear down Fisher one, great grandfather work there. As far as the burger joi t at meijers, musta been before my time. Hell they're getting ready to close that store.
I'll try not to bum people out here, but give them a more positive attitude.

Try coming to work for the evening shift at the hospital, and your kids are in the hospital day care for a couple hours until Mom picks them up. You get a call that the Police are bringing in a distraught angry combative 20 year old beautiful blonde to the ER. We tie her down in the ER, The Doc is trying to put a tube down her nose, as she is an overdose. She fights, kicks, swears, and pulls out the tube while the Charcoal is being pumped in to her stomach. I am holding her down, but she gets the tube, pulls it out, and she aspirates, as the charcoal fills her lungs. She is dead in two minutes. Then, I have to go back to my other duties, then eventually go home, and not think of it. Could I have held her better? Where was the other tech? Where was the cop? I had to Go home, and think not of it. Thirty years later, I still see her face.

I get angry that I had to do that, that the Cops had to do that, and the Mortuary had to come and get her.
I recommend we try to see the positive things in our lives. It will end someday.
That's a job I know I'm incapable of even trying to fathom how people do it.