anger issues

X????? HUH I think. Iz it just me or iz this country now being steered forward by the offspring of the parentz that procreated at Woodstock and have no clue where there seed landed? I see it az a time calculation thing if we do the math, Jer

I was agreeing with the point that I could have used a little more discipline, not a beating. My folks were from the Woodstock generation but weren't hippies. Parents today give their kids way too much control over how they are dealt with. My 4 year old granddaughter gets away with way more than I ever would have been allowed to. It's not here fault, but it won't help her down the broad if they don't reign her in a little bit. Of course who am I to tell them what to do. (I don't have children, you figure it out)
Millennials will be of work age starting next year...
Note, I didn't say, Entering the work force.
One of the issue i believe most parents have is building a cloud of perfection for their little boy or girl. Come on, this" we are all winners" is nothing but a set up for failure. We must as parents build our childrens confidence and at the same time prepare them for the possibility of failure. Some are better than others. We are not all equal at all things. As parents we are ultimately building people. People that are going to go out into a world thats unlike the bubble of home. Home we are "special" , real world not so much. It can be very shocking for an 18 kid to find out people really don't give a crap. Its a cruel cruel world folks! Prepare them for that!
AH? How doez one begat grand children without first bagating children? Have thingz changed that much in the world since I waz begat? Gawd help up all...................

Easy... I have two kids and three step kids. Seven grandkids all together. My kids have kids and my step kids have kids.

We all consider the step kid's children to be my grand kids too. As one of my granddaughters says.... I got a lot of grandparents!!
So heres my 3rd grade artistic arty rendering! I probly gonna regret this but what do ya think?:grin: 20150328_105224.jpg

Have it done in vinyl. If you get sick of it, it's easier to remove than the paint.