For Sale Another 70 fury conv

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His car and his investment. He should have made it what he wanted, and I assume he did. If he had saved the purple for a A B or E he would have had a better investment. Now if he had asked me in the color change I would have suggested frosted teal
If I was to create the same theme Id end up spending asking and not being where he is.

I don't disagree with that actually assuming the body and paint still looks good in person.

Body and paint could easily cost as much as the asking price for this car if it was rusty plus the cost of a top paint/body work job ... not to mention purchase price of the car originally
Obviously I havent seen the car but when I looked it over on my device earlier it looked pretty nice. Sure things arent correct or may need to be repaired but for me to locate a rust free ragtop, what would that cost me? If I find a rusty car I need to pay for it then repair the rust, more body work to follow then paint...what am I into it for now? Thats before anything else.
I had a project Polara convertible, One of the Rose Bowl 440 cars if you recall. I paid somewhere around $3500 for the car, another $750 for shipping. I replaced many of the front end parts and all the brake parts were new. I also had someone replace the trunk pan. That pan cost me $500 from Murray shipped. Without the installation cost. I was six grand into the car and it didnt look it. I had plans for the car, big plans. My plans when complete would have yielded me a Polara similar to this car. I probably would have had thirty five or more into it once done but when would it have been done?
Mike in Nebraska now has the car and he has similar visions of grandeur for the car and I hope he pulls it off. I didnt have the patience, money or time left here on earth to complete it.
I personally would rather start off with a car mostly done or original and improve things from there. If I wanted a Modified Fury convertible, and I certainly wouldnt mine one. Id look at this car regardless of the coin. $25 large isnt as large as it used to be.
Does anybody else see what's wrong here?

Drain tube??
That looks a lot like the new/replacement shackles that come from Rare Parts... at least that's a lot like what I just got from them for my 68 SF. Granted, it might be right for 68 but not this one, I have no idea.

That IS a lot of purple. I like PC, so that doesn't bother me much, but wouldn't have been my first choice. White guts... wow, now you've got a lot of white over a lot of purple. Love the combo, but still not my first choice. His car, his money, his choice, no argument from me, but I agree that the potential pool of buyers will be smaller with this combo.

The price seems on the high side, but you probably couldn't build it for that money. I just bought all new bushings and joints for my suspension - $800 or so in parts. Fixing these cars up isn't for the faint of heart, and they're dang sure not A, B, or E-body popular, so when you do find the parts they're not cheap. I can see why he left the trans alone, but that's realistically one of the cheaper things to fix. Maybe it didn't need to be fixed as much as the other things. Whatever the reason, it doesn't help the sale. I do however appreciate the laundry list of things left undone or needing to be redone. If you're buying the seller and not the sale, this seller seems a cut above most of Craigslist...

My benchmark for value on a car like this is the survivor '69 SF convertible that used to reside near me until a couple years ago. Less than 10K miles, 383-2V, white with red guts. Stored in a garage until sold, it was truly near mint condition, and totally original. Sold for around $17K when the market was slower than now.

It is a Fury convertible nothing more and nothing less. All his talk doesn't sway me. What we have is another clear example of thinking what you put into the car makes the car worth that much dollar for dollar. I don't care if one says you couldn't do one yourself for any less which only reinforces my comment in the sentence before not to mention those are not recoverable coats.
no the wrap over obvious crack and looks like poor workmaship i.e. strings hanging from where the sewed it up
So the fratzog on this Plymouth isn't an issue?
Hmmmm !!!!!

No Comment !!!,,,......... YET !!! :popcorn:
Hmmmm... I'm getting a subliminal suggestion here.

Oh, BTW, have I mentioned yet that I detest this car? And the seller, too. Everything about this car and this guy rub me the wrong way.
A made up car. Wrong this, wrong that, and still plenty of work to get done. The price is insane. For $25k, you should be purchasing a correct, completed, car.
Hmmmm... I'm getting a subliminal suggestion here.

Oh, BTW, have I mentioned yet that I detest this car? And the seller, too. Everything about this car and this guy rub me the wrong way.

Well, I like the intent, I like the plum crazy color with the white interior, I have seen before a 70 done up like this before and a 69 but with a black interior. However something is amiss with this one in my eyes, After reviewing all of the pictures over & over Hmmm I DON'T KNOW what is so wrong that I do not get wow factor. For 25K and all of the work that was done and should have been done for the dollar figure I am not a fan. But it ain't my car and I am sure whenever I even get mine started never alone done I am sure that it will not be everyone's cup of tea,
The Barney comment sums it up for me...not to mention Commando's perfectly correct comments on it mechanically (slapped together after a rotisserie treatment? :realcrazy:). I think this is good proof of why Chrysler did not offer many of the high impact colours on C bodies beyond special order. It's too much.
Hopefully somebody can get it for a reasonable price and do something with it...I like the Teal Frost idea.
So the fratzog on this Plymouth isn't an issue?

Not really because it's easily corrected and doesn't look bad until someone who buys get's around to it, unlike the ugly wrap work on the steering wheel.

The fratzog is a cheap, quick, and easy change ... didn't comment on that cause everyone already knows that.

Correcting the underlying plastic cracks on the steering wheel is not cheap or as quick.

I do really like those faux wood grained wheels though ... at least it has a core to be repaired which is a big plus. I was just commenting about the shitty workmanship as the seller commented on himself.

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