Answer a question with a question...

The level of smartassery is usually determined by not only the quality of smartassery being used, but also by the quantity of smartassery as well. This is not to say that a large volume of smartassery will necessarily detract from the quality of smartassery being submitted. One must remember that smartassery regardless of its smartass objectivity, will always be subjected to a highly subjective smartass environment. Usually this smartass environment of smartassery is found to be highly amorphous and intangible as the smartass goal posts are moved on a regular basis with no basis in reason or evidence per-se.
Let it also be known that the typical smartass takes a lot of enjoyment in making up reasonable sounding responses to statements and questions leading to response that in themselves can be called smartass. This does not mean that every smartass comment will lead to further smartass comments as this DOES in fact, in this particular situation, relate to the quality of not only the smartass commentary but also the quality of the smartass individuals as well.
Nuff said....
The level of smartassery is usually determined by not only the quality of smartassery being used, but also by the quantity of smartassery as well. This is not to say that a large volume of smartassery will necessarily detract from the quality of smartassery being submitted. One must remember that smartassery regardless of its smartass objectivity, will always be subjected to a highly subjective smartass environment. Usually this smartass environment of smartassery is found to be highly amorphous and intangible as the smartass goal posts are moved on a regular basis with no basis in reason or evidence per-se.
Let it also be known that the typical smartass takes a lot of enjoyment in making up reasonable sounding responses to statements and questions leading to response that in themselves can be called smartass. This does not mean that every smartass comment will lead to further smartass comments as this DOES in fact, in this particular situation, relate to the quality of not only the smartass commentary but also the quality of the smartass individuals as well.
Nuff said....

Will there be a smart *** test? Also , will it be graded on a curve for those without the gift?
If one has to ask for a definition of smart-assery, it would lead others to believe that individual is not well versed in the subject, especially by those who consider themselves to be professionals, or para-professionals in the field, and most self proclaimed smart-assery subjects have an innate ability to display their skills at any given moment, which begs the question, 'If you do not posess the natural ability to fluently conduct yourself in the subject of smart-assery, is it even worth wasting your worthless time, and the valuable time of others to even ask about it, and to what end?