Answer a question with a question...

Smartassery and dumbassery are closely related crafts. It's akin to comparing the phrases "leaning forward" and "bending over" - there is a fine threshold between the two that is often overlooked.
Smartassery and dumbassery are closely related crafts. It's akin to comparing the phrases "leaning forward" and "bending over" - there is a fine threshold between the two that is often overlooked.
Thank you Patrick I always wondered what the difference was .:yaayy:
If one has to ask for a definition of smart-assery, it would lead others to believe that individual is not well versed in the subject, especially by those who consider themselves to be professionals, or para-professionals in the field, and most self proclaimed smart-assery subjects have an innate ability to display their skills at any given moment, which begs the question, 'If you do not posess the natural ability to fluently conduct yourself in the subject of smart-assery, is it even worth wasting your worthless time, and the valuable time of others to even ask about it, and to what end?

Did you know your smart-assery response doesn't even qualify as a run on sentence? Was that good smart-assery?:D