Damn, I dont know if I ever knew. After I pulled my 318 in favor of a 340 from a duster I sold that and went to a 400 from a 69 Polara. I thought it was a 383 when I bought it. The 400 Turned out to be a 1972 400HP block that I ran the snot out of. One day that 400 started to shake, rattle and sputtered to the side of the road.
I took the car to Tom Chamberlain in Mt Ephraim. Old Tom was a very reputable Mopar guy and engine/transmission builder. I told him I wanted a 440 built with 3 2s. He said ok. It would cost me a grand and he gets to keep the 400. I have no idea what he did to the inside of that engine or how it was built. It was fun and pulled ok but not what I had hoped for. I eventually traded the 3 -2s for a Thermoquad and a brake job.
Then that engine went to racer Dom Balducci and he sent it to Radar corporation for a complete re build. 12.5 to 1 compression, 292 duration with a 510 lift on the cam. They did $900 of head work, remember this is 1988. Dom encouraged me to sell the C body and buy a Dart or a Challenger and promised if I did he would have the car running 10s . I didnt want that , I wanted a tough C body. Knowing me he kept it "detuned" . I had a reputation of breaking engine mounts, universal joints and trashing transmissions. ......
oooops sorry

took this too far