Old Man with a Hat
Great! Finally! We finally get a cogent argument out of Kippy. Alas not to be.Your points? Well lets address the one were you question Bin Laden being buried at sea, one of your more classic comments.
Think carefully Kippy. Remember when you were the one who wrote DJT knew the story was false? I didn't know Bin Laden was a sailor LOL.what exactly was your point?
Then all we get out of you is a bunch of straw man arguments that I never made.
Have I ever even suggested this? I in fact applauded this mission.knock Obama for authorising the hunting down of that scum
Casting false aspersions is the last resort of someone who has nothing to back up their position.wouldn't want to see the success of that mission
Ah, finally you release your sage wisdom that we have so long been waiting for.But I know why Bin Laden was buried that way and while many of us would like to see him ripped to shreds this country doesn't operate like that.

We can only last post here.