Asshat of the Year Award.

It is if hes asking WIW and no one knows what shape its in..... Regardless of his intentions
Is he asking what's the value of the drivetrain or the whole car?
Finally got some info out of him from what it really is. It USED to be a 67 Chrysler 440 4 speed. Now? JUNK!
440 of questionable value, a 4 speed hump, and scrap value of the remaining carcass....
Maybe $750....
Finally got some info out of him from what it really is. It USED to be a 67 Chrysler 440 4 speed. Now? JUNK!
440 of questionable value, a 4 speed hump, and scrap value of the remaining carcass....
Maybe $750....
Sooo, if the 67 is JUNK are we still mad? I just donated some scrap metal to a church if that makes you feel any better. ;)
Again, what the car was or wasn't isn't the issue. The punk was an asshat from the get go and totally a wannabe looking for Mopar Coolness. He doesn't have it. Never will.

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He is an asshat......

From the slang expression having one's head up one's ***, thus, wearing the *** as a hat. The term is extended to people who are clueless or bumbling, who don't understand what is going on.
I was hoping that it wasn't your girlfriend.... :laughing7:
Well, that too...
