AVIS rental cars......


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Alabama Gulf Coast
AVIS rental car ad.... Why buy one... just rent it....!:sFl_america2:

MoparsOnLot1WOW (Large).jpg
Kool, I'll take one of each! I think I'll need a bigger building!
I was thinking about this just the other day - Avis was exclusively Chrysler (pretty much anyway) through sometime in the 70s or early 80s. I wonder how many of the for-sale cars we see these days (especially all those green ones) are ex-Avis rentals?
I wonder if those rental cars had a special code on the fender tag designating Avis or rental car fleet.
I wonder if those rental cars had a special code on the fender tag designating Avis or rental car fleet.
Not that it would make it more desirable.
Remember, in those days, rentals were what gave rentals their bad name.
I found a 1973 interview with the head of Avis who indicated that about half their fleet was leased from Chrysler Financial on 6-month terms, so they turned over the fleet twice a year. The rest of the cars they bought.

I also found that Avis dropped Chrysler in November of 1977, switching to GM cars.