Backfire through exhaust


May 6, 2012
Reaction score
Central California
Took the 66 out for a drive. Stock 383 with 2bbl. It was running fine. We decided to get on the freeway and cruise to the next town. As I accelerated, all of a sudden it backfired and blew a hole in the muffler. The car was running fine prior to that. Now when it runs it acts like it is not getting fuel once it warms up. Carb was rebuilt by Carb-X about 6 months ago, new fuel filter and fuel pump at the same time. New distributor, plugs and wires about 3 months ago. Where should I start looking for the problem first? Thanks
If it seems to run OK when you first start it, it is not your timing chain/valve timing. With jumped timing it would barely want to run, and likely you would have to advance the timing to make it run. Also, cold or warm, it wouldn't pull a sick ***** off a piss pot.

The backfire could have been from slow/retarded timing, or a blip with the ignition. Most of the new points and condensers out there are crap these days.

I don't know what you have for a carb, but if it has a power valve, the backfire could have blown it out, and added the additional problems. Once your choke opens up to lean out your mixture will be when it is most obvious.
New points and condensor with new distributor. I think I will put in a pertronix unit and see what happens.

There is a member here with a '68 Chrysler (thrashingcows) that has used the Pertronix ignition with poor results, and he fixed his problems with a factory Mopar electronic distributor and ECU.
I just put a Pertronix kit in my Imp and it was an immediate improvement until winter really set in shortly after that so its been a couple of months since I've been able to drive it. Starts up as soon as you hit the key in the shop on the few occasions I've had to jockey the cars around.
I'll also chip in with good luck with Pertronix. Actually I have 5 cars running Pertronix with two of them having original units from their first year of production. My Polara runs a Pertronix II.
There is a member here with a '68 Chrysler (thrashingcows) that has used the Pertronix ignition with poor results, and he fixed his problems with a factory Mopar electronic distributor and ECU.

I been running that since switching my car over from points about a year and half ago. Only problem I've had is the original orange box self destructed. I thought I'd mount it on the fender wall to get away from heat, but I guess it gets hotter there than the usual spot. I put the second one back on the fire wall and have had no problems since. Go figure.