Be prepared for lots of questions in the next week.

Wish you a speedy recovery Mike.
It amazes me what procedures can be done to "restore" the human body. I normally avoid doctors and medical facilities as much as possible, but I have a lot of respect for what they can do. :chain saw:
Thanks guys my surgery was called orbital decompression. If you want to get grossed out google the surgery. They actually go in and remove bone and fat from around your eye socket so that my bulging eyes, a side effect from graves disease, go back to their proper position. I get to do the other eye in about a month.
I never cease to be astonished by what surgeons can do. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.
Man I feel like a pussy. First day back to work, after an hour and a half I'm toast. I think my employee is going to be doing most of the work today.
Man I feel like a pussy. First day back to work, after an hour and a half I'm toast. I think my employee is going to be doing most of the work today.

He'd be pissed if he knew you were forumming...
Isn't Zymurgy self employed ? I thought so.
Isn't Zymurgy self employed ? I thought so.

Yes I am self employed so I could take as many breaks as I wanted. I was about worthless today but my employee came through for me.

Stan I had no problem staying off the **** sites, I'm painting a church sanctuary, not quite the right environment, not that any of my customers homes would be, but definitely not there.
Yes I am self employed so I could take as many breaks as I wanted. I was about worthless today but my employee came through for me.

Stan I had no problem staying off the **** sites, I'm painting a church sanctuary, not quite the right environment, not that any of my customers homes would be, but definitely not there.

Not the right environment ???? Have you not seen the news lately ?

That may be the exact environment !!! :eek:ops: :icon_madu:
OH I see this circuit breaker is tripped ,,, Let me just reset it .... and ..........

Too funny my employee is actually an electrician. I think we have come full circle.

He is a good guy, I heard him turn down a higher paying electrician job today, to help me out this week.

All kidding aside ,,, I would not wish this on anyone ......... (
Well almost anyone !!! :mob: )