Big day ...........

I would have never agreed to that if I was in my right mind and since you "claim" I did, I plead insanity. You'll set me up with another pic making it look like I was inhaling the whole box. Nope. Ain't gonna happen twice

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What you see is what you get.......
Pics don't lie.
Except on eBay.

Ooops. I'm 40 minutes late.

Posted via Topify on Android
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When you put your image out on the internet you never know what happens to it. Cho Fu Juan Yang on the other side of the world might photoshop a shaolin kung fu tutu on you butt and one day you'll find yourself on Pinterest.
Just sayin'.
Cops N Donuts, go together like Peanut butter N Jelly, Ice cream N Cake, Bacon N Eggs, and Grits N Gravy.