Born cool & have proof

C Body Bob

Old Man with a Hat
Apr 8, 2012
Reaction score
Youngsville, NC
I was brought home from the hospital in a 56 Buick. That’s why I’m so cool. On the way home dad had to pull over & file the points. I got out to help. That was hard to do in those old hospital diapers.
Pshhh... Feb 23, 1967. I decided to enter the world 3 weeks early. As the story goes, it was a rain/sleet/snowy mess on the roads. At the time, Dad had the only car in the house cuz Mom didnt drive yet . So Dad was driving a $50 Chevrolet trade in he picked up from the Chrysler dealer he worked for when he couldn't afford the payments on his 60 Fury. Mom's water broke, they jump in the rust bucket and haul *** to the hospital, as best they could. Did I mention it was a rust bucket? As he turned left into the hospital lot, the right rear quarter panel fell the rest of the way off and slide up the sidewalk. He dropped Mom at the ER entrance , retrieved the rusty quarter, parked the car and 45 minutes later was looking at all 10lb, 8oz of me. The next week, he ditched the Chevy and brought home a 50 Plymouth that he drove until about 1972.

Let's hear some more birth stories involving cars.
Because they didn't make adult Depends yet.....

Or "Depends" of any kind, back then . . . at least under than brand name.

My aunt and uncle had a new '56 Buick Special. After their two kids got to be about six years old or so, every time they'd make a trip (about 125 miles one way on US80), they'd have to stop as one of the kids would get motion sickness (that "bouncing Buick Ride", from back then). Until they found the motion sickness pills at the pharmacy. Never had that problem with our '56 Savoy!

Pshhh... Feb 23, 1967. I decided to enter the world 3 weeks early. As the story goes, it was a rain/sleet/snowy mess on the roads. At the time, Dad had the only car in the house cuz Mom didnt drive yet . So Dad was driving a $50 Chevrolet trade in he picked up from the Chrysler dealer he worked for when he couldn't afford the payments on his 60 Fury. Mom's water broke, they jump in the rust bucket and haul *** to the hospital, as best they could. Did I mention it was a rust bucket? As he turned left into the hospital lot, the right rear quarter panel fell the rest of the way off and slide up the sidewalk. He dropped Mom at the ER entrance , retrieved the rusty quarter, parked the car and 45 minutes later was looking at all 10lb, 8oz of me. The next week, he ditched the Chevy and brought home a 50 Plymouth that he drove until about 1972.

Let's hear some more birth stories involving cars.

Ten pounds and eight ounces? No wonder you were early. Now I wonder what kind of car brought me to the hospital, knowing my folks it was a GM. I'll ask, they'll know. Much like yourself I was a speedy delivery. I waited for my parents to get up at their usual 7:00 A.M. Once Mom got out of bed that was it! Managed to get to the hospital in quite the dramatic fashion, as the story was told. I wasn't waiting around for no doctors though. My dad and a nurse delivered me at 7:37 A.M. I can't recall my weight exactly, around eight pounds and roughly on time.
My Dad wasn’t wearing hospital diapers but he did work for the California IRS. He had a slick deal going he audited the Long Beach Alfa dealer across the street and treated them right. After that he got a new convertible every year (hey he did PAY for them - nothing too shady) and from ‘59 or ‘60 to ‘66 he parked them across the street at the dealer so they’d actually run. Me and my older brother rode in the back no belts or seats just some dunnage to keep us from rolling around too much. The party ended with brother number three. Not enough room meant no more sports cars. He traded it for a black and white ‘56 Buick we called Dino the dinosaur. He never drove anything with less than 4 doors for the next two decades. Oh how the mighty had fallen...

My 70 AAR was the first two door car he drove in a long long time. Then came more cudas roadrunners polara and fury convertibles. He taught us how to work on old cars AND then we could buy and drive our own. My first car, a ‘64 falcon 4dr had no radiator no brakes no transmission no paint or upholstery.
We fixed it and then got to drive it.

Thank you Dad!!!!
I can tell you my birth time was 4:13 am can't get more mopar than that
I came home (1963) in a '56 Plymouth Savoy 2dr wagon my parents bought brand new. 277 4bbl V8 and powerflite. They drove it until it fell apart from rust about 1971.
I don't have any independent memory of the trip...
For my first car ride, I got to come home in a '57 Belvedere. I was indoctrinated early into all things MoPar. Besides our Belvy, my paternal grandparents had a '58 Fury, my maternal grandparents had a '58 Dodge, my uncles all had Dodges and my oldest brother drove a '50 Dodge business coupe. I didn't have an option!!