I was born and raised in the Detroit area and love Michigan,....... from May to September.
The UP rivals anywhere in America for natural beauty.
Three years ago Ellie and I traveled from Alabama, up through Minnesota and into the Mich UP at Iron City, in our 65 Coronet 500 convertible. We toured the entire UP for days, crossed the big bridge and traveled south along Lake Michigan, attended a family 4th of July party and traveled back home. In all we covered 3600 miles in 10 days, all on US hwy's and secondary roads. The top was down the entire way. A once in a lifetime trip.
The winters chased me away. As the bones got older the harsh temps, snow, ice and cabin fever became to much to bear. Here in Alabama we get about 6 weeks of winter and I'm thinking I didn't go far enough south.... LOL?