Hello John,
Thank you for your patience while we work through our orders. Attached please find the copy of the build card for your vehicle.
The selling dealer for the VIN, C453147374, was Airport Motors, Inc., located in Jackson Heights, NY.
The selling dealer for the VIN, V855132018, was Stanley Motors, Inc., located in San Luis Obispo, CA.
Please note, we cannot reprint build cards any differently. The build cards were put on microfilm many years before they arrived to the archives. Everything possible has been done to provide you with the best copy from our files. We cannot make the build cards any larger or clearer, than what has been provided to you.
We are also unable to provide the decoding of the build records due to a high volume of requests and limited staffing. I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you.
We hope you find this information useful.