Build numbers


Old Man with a Hat
Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score
Central Oklahoma
I remember, pre-Interwebz, seeing information that listed options on various models as a percentage of total units built. Example: For 1966, there were 7.2% of Dodge Monacos built in black, 10.1% in white, etc. Percentages were available for not only color, but other options: 82.7% of all '67 Imperials had air conditioning. These are NOT actual numbers, just examples.

Does anyone remember where this information is online? I know it's out there somewhere. It's been used here on this forum before.

The only thing that I've seen recently is AAP and AZ will have vehicles listed on their parts look up screen with (example) 1978 NYB 67% were produced with 440 CI.
That Chrysler book... 1924 to 1991...or whatever the years were had accurate numbers and percentages. Not on everything but some stuff
1924-1985, a little bit of extra info in it but not much.
That Chrysler book... 1924 to 1991...or whatever the years were had accurate numbers and percentages. Not on everything but some stuff

1924-1985, a little bit of extra info in it but not much.

this is the book I think, BUT as observed it doesnt have option penetrations in the granularity beyond body styles/production numbers of each.

i do not recall ever seeing that particular information - colors, power windows, engines, etc. - reliably available online or otherwise published anywhere, except for some specialty/highly collectible Mopars.


I have a different book. I haven't seen the green one.
yeah matt...there may a few flavors of the genre floating around. different publishers, or different editions by the same outfits, etc,

sorry for pic quality..but this might help and show the kinda info for each model, its various options and their invoice prices, production numbers by body style within models, and certain other interesting "factoids", if any.



I have this's has some info but not anything in depth.
