C Body Dry Dock

I loved that place. It was where I learned I was not alone in my love for c-bodies.
Personally I have no love nor hate for the Dock. Their style and I were not a match, that's all. I hope it's not shut down though. The C-body community needs to support each other.

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I would like to register over there, but it won't let me.
Facebook has lots of C-Body love... Couple of Imperial Coupes added there just today.
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There have been problems with their servers, from what I understand. I'm active on both forums. I was able to logon over there yesterday. They've been hacked big, twice in the last year or so.

I do not do FB at all. Been there, done that, said f*ck it.
Been a member for about four years now. A great place to be, and learn. Very dedicated group of C body guy's and gal's. Hope everything is OK.
Yes. Tough to get any real Formal appreciation over there.
Or any respect if you're over 60 now...