Calling 72/73 Imperial Owners!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2021
Reaction score
Gurnee, IL
I’m taking some inspiration from some other threads I have read. Post pics and/or stories about your ‘72/‘73 Imperial or anything ‘72/‘73 Imperial related. Let’s see your cars!

Not the for sale tracker, this is if you actually own the car.



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Not quite, but tagging folks may be helpful.

Here are some owners / fans of 1972-1973 Imps whom I know about from another thread (to which you have contributed too):

@DocMcNeedy @Moseman @ImpJay @Wile E Coyote @IOLA KID @Boydsdodge @crv @Marv @BLIMP @saforwardlook @imperialist440 @Joerg @Imperial One @3C's & a D? @JMC85284 @LocuMob @wizard @My65cuda @Mr C

PS: since the 1972 and 1973 Imperials are very similar (like the Dodge Monaco but unlike the 1972-1973 Dodge Polara, Chrysler Newport or NYer, and Fury models), you may want to edit the thread title to include the 1973 and therefore broaden the thread’s appeal.
Not quite, but tagging folks may be helpful.

Here are some owners / fans of 1972-1973 Imps whom I know about from another thread (to which you have contributed too):


@DocMcNeedy @Moseman @ImpJay @Wile E Coyote @IOLA KID @Boydsdodge @crv @Marv @BLIMP @saforwardlook @imperialist440 @Joerg @Imperial One @3C's & a D? @JMC85284 @LocuMob @wizard @My65cuda @Mr C

PS: since the 1972 and 1973 Imperials are very similar (like the Dodge Monaco but unlike the 1972-1973 Dodge Polara, Chrysler Newport or NYer, and Fury models), you may want to edit the thread title to include the 1973 and therefore broaden the thread’s appeal.

Thanks for the input. I have amended the post.
Mine has been discussed here before and changed hands minimum two times, before I bought it and shipped it to Austria last year.

The green vinyl roof has been delivered already (after 15 months) from Oregon to Europe and should be attached by the end of January.
Did you order yours already, maybe they still have the green vinyl now? ;)

I’ve seen it, but doesn’t seem like many of the sold cars have appeared with owners on here.
A few have, this one:

was discussed on here late 2018, was listed on Craigslist for months. I kept going back to the ad to look at it and decided to pull the trigger on it around March 2019, took a chance at buying it based on the few photos and little info made available (I spoke briefly to Dave, the seller, but the line was so bad we could barely hear each other). Long story short; it was better than expected, a few bumps here and there and minimal rust on driver side front fender, really nice blue leather interior, a steal at $3,500.
That is interesting with the blue interior. I like it.
For a long time, I was after a triple black '73 (one owned by a member in Canada will be up for sale), but this white/blue combination is truly nicer than the pics can convey.

Here are two photos of Elsie, a 1973 white LeBaron that I owned briefly in 2019. She is YM43T3C280992 — the first photo was taken by @71Polara383 shortly before the new buyer took her to Wisconsin, the other was taken in the Southwest by the longtime previous owner.

I bought her because she had a well documented and complete ownership trail, she was rust free, her body was perfectly straight, and all numbers matched. Unfortunately, it turned out that the engine was hopelessly stuck and so I sold her a few months later. The buyer had a good 440 that he planned to put in her.


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My 2 door rally red imperial LeBaron. Original white leather interior. All numbers matching. Engine is in the shop being rebuilt. Hope to have this last rally red 2 door on the road this summer.


I had TB73 out for some photos today while roads were dry and before snow arrived. Snow started just as I pulled into garage after the photo taking.
TB73 is ready to go, it's me thats not ready to let her go.






