Car guy Road Trip through the Southwest

Thanks for sharing your pic's. Vegas has really changed, I was there for 2 weeks at Nellis AFB. We took 2 B-52's to play with the fighter boys.
When you stopped at Hoover Dam did you take the dam tour?
Thanks for sharing your pic's. Vegas has really changed, I was there for 2 weeks at Nellis AFB. We took 2 B-52's to play with the fighter boys.
When you stopped at Hoover Dam did you take the dam tour?
Vegas was cool, but not my kind of city. I prefer all the stunning nature and all the National Parks.

No, we didn't do the tour, just walking across the dam. Shoking to see the water lever lso low. I was there about 15 years ago and it was almost full to the top back then.
From Flagstaff. we headed south, through Sedona, towards Phoenix.

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Stopping at the Saguaro National Park in the evening.

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Sedona is absolutely mind blowing. Next time you pass through there, rent a UTV or Jeep and hit the trails. The Indian ruins and rock formations are stunning. The whole Verde Valley up there is full of beautiful natural sights.
Leaving Tucson, we drone the Sky Island Scenic Byway. Stunning two hour drive up and down again!

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Old Car City USA in White, GA. One of the most amazing places I've ever been to.

I've made more then 1000 photos in the 3 hours I've been there. I wish I had more time, but I forgot about the one hour time defference between Nashville and Atlanta...

These are a few examples of what I've seen today, but I advice everyone to see all the 1045 pictures in my Dropbox. It's amazing!

As I understand, there never was a Fury I 2dr Hardtop, right? Is it rebadged or some kind of unicorn?
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Yesterday, I had my Johnny Cash day.

First I went to the Storytellers Hideout Farm, a Farm owned by Johnny for over 33 years. It's a Museum now.
I met some amazing people there and got a private tour and "little" concent from Mark Cash, Johnny's nephew. I wish I could've stayed longer there...
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Besides a lot of other cool Johnny Cash memorabilia, they have the original "one-piece-at-a-time" Cadillac from the music video there.
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I was even allowed to sit in it :D
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After that I went to Nashville. Unfortunately, it was the first Day of summer break os it was crowded with drunken kids... One even almost puked on my feet...

But anyway, I went to the Johnny Cash museum downtown.

I fled the scene as quickly as possible without missing anything inside the museum....

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Earlier this week (sorry for not going chronologically through everything) I made my way up to Memphis from Houston.

I went from Houston to Natchez and Clarksdale and into Memphis.
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Driving through the ocean... Say goodbye to this Chrysler minivan... ;)
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I spotted this Imperial in a Shell station in Houston. Is it known here?
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I did Graceland in Memphis, but tours start at $80, and I have to say it was not worth it to me...

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That's so friggin cool! When I was working in Nashville, I wanted to see Johnny and June's house but unfortunately, it burned down a few years ago.
Ya I know, I would have loved to see that house. But the farm is pretty cool as well!