I had my license plate stolen off my car once by someone who thought I stole their parking space.
I was at a Walmart one day looking for a place to park, came up on a car with its reverse lights on about to back out of a space. So I stop, and put my turn signal on waiting for him to back out. In this time, someone else coming the other direction sees the driver leaving, then stops, signals, and thinks they're gonna get it. Since the car was backing out towards me, I was able to just zip on in there first, I was there first anyway.
Soon as I get out of the car, the driver of that other car starts yelling profanities, that I stole their spot, Yada Yada.
I just nicely said "I was there waiting first".
Come outta the store, my damn plate is gone. Sure enough no security cameras to catch any of it.