Central Oklahoma Mopar Association 39th Annual show, shine, and swap meet 1 October 2022


Old Man with a Hat
Jul 4, 2012
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Central Oklahoma
1 October 2022. It's the 39th Annual COMA Show and Swap Meet!
$25.00 entry fee for show or swap.
Mopar ONLY!!!
12 classes, 1st and 2nd in each class.
Food trucks onsite

More details coming!

Portion of the proceeds benefit the VFW Post 7192!

It's just two months away, folks! The weather will be far more conducive to a nice drive to OKC, plus there are a ton of things to do here!

AND, there is a single C/D-body class for the big 'uns!
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Coming up fast, less than a month away!

Entry fee is now just $10.00 for either a show or swap spot! Trophies in 12 classes. Food truck. Lot of shade and grass or pavement parking!

We are downsizing our show for this year, so there are no door prizes; but there will be a 50/50 pot. It's more of a cool Mopar get-together versus a formal show, as such. The entry basically covers our expenses plus a donation to the local VFW chapter. Come on out and enjoy!