classic car collection exported to china

He just see's the $ and probly ,Doesent give a rats *** where they go
Bullshit. He got teary eyed in the video. Not everything in life is about money. He is still keeping 20 cars & mentioned health concerns. Selling a large collection of anything, even toys, is a huge pain. He could have sent them to BJ & sold with a no reserve. Add in shipping, fees, prep (how many don't really run?)etc and one good price could have easily been a better choice. He could have sold them individually, wow, a 100 cars x 1000 tire kickers... I say good for him. That Jag I was in the video with sold to a guy in Budapest. Wtf? The interesting part to me, is that I have been told many times how the Chinese only care for new cars. Vintage is of no interest because cars like this where never around them in the first place. Who knows...
I wish China would sink into the ocean. As much as I appreciate the guys out of the US (Especially the nordics and aussies) that import our cars and treat them right, this needs to stop. To me it runs along the same path as job outsourcing. it is sad and tragic. Except for the import cars like Jaguars and Mercedes (etc)
Bullshit. He got teary eyed in the video. Not everything in life is about money. He is still keeping 20 cars & mentioned health concerns. Selling a large collection of anything, even toys, is a huge pain. He could have sent them to BJ & sold with a no reserve. Add in shipping, fees, prep (how many don't really run?)etc and one good price could have easily been a better choice. He could have sold them individually, wow, a 100 cars x 1000 tire kickers... I say good for him. That Jag I was in the video with sold to a guy in Budapest. Wtf? The interesting part to me, is that I have been told many times how the Chinese only care for new cars. Vintage is of no interest because cars like this where never around them in the first place. Who knows...

He got teary eyed because its almost over for him. His lifelong collection will be gone from his ownership. It was about the money .... which is fine. I hope he got a bazillion whatever . I dont trust the Chinese, I dont like the Chinese and this country is doomed to the Chinese and yet, we keep selling out.
He wouldnt have had to deal with any of those tire kickers. He obviously is "well - to - do". He could have hired someone or an auction house and separated the cars, one by one and they would have stayed in better hands... but, it was about the money.

I hope the boat sinks
I wish China would sink into the ocean. As much as I appreciate the guys out of the US (Especially the nordics and aussies) that import our cars and treat them right, this needs to stop. To me it runs along the same path as job outsourcing. it is sad and tragic. Except for the import cars like Jaguars and Mercedes (etc)

I have mixed emotions on that.... while I feel the same way you do about it there are many guys on this board alone who have a love and passion for old American iron and treat them well. There just isnt enough love or money here to give them all good homes. So yeah, I get disappointed when I see one leave, I also know many of them wouldnt have found a good home here.....and they are going to good car guys, Unlike the chinese.....

I hope the boat sinks
It's called "plundering".
Victorious nations have always done it to their conquored after winning the war.
In the future, there will be two Super Powers. The Chinese and The Moslum Nation.
Be interesting to see that battle.
Bullshit. He got teary eyed in the video. Not everything in life is about money. He is still keeping 20 cars & mentioned health concerns. Selling a large collection of anything, even toys, is a huge pain. He could have sent them to BJ & sold with a no reserve. Add in shipping, fees, prep (how many don't really run?)etc and one good price could have easily been a better choice. He could have sold them individually, wow, a 100 cars x 1000 tire kickers... I say good for him. That Jag I was in the video with sold to a guy in Budapest. Wtf? The interesting part to me, is that I have been told many times how the Chinese only care for new cars. Vintage is of no interest because cars like this where never around them in the first place. Who knows...
His tears where because he never got as many 0000 on the end of his cheque as he thought Where do you think these cars are going to go not in a garage I don't think . But to be used as taxis for Chinese who don't give a monkeys about them
Being the voice defending the Chinese is new for me, lol. But allow me to say a few things... First of all, let's separate the Chinese people from their government. The US has a very positive history with pre-communist (1949) China. Ever hear of the Flying Tigers? You do realize the reason the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor was because the US was blockading Japan as a result of their war and atrocities committed against the Chinese. The Chinese PEOPLE have long memories. It's much easier to sell an American product to the people of China than a Japanese product because they remember that:

Second, to say the Chinese don't appreciate history is almost like saying Italians can't cook. (Many) Americans can't throw things away fast enough while the Chinese preserve their culture at the risk of imprisonment by their government. As an example, I give you the Chinese Foo Dog...


These were once widespread in Chinese culture, usually as decorations on homes of the wealthy. The evil communists (Red Guard) would destroy this artwork as symbols of "wealth". Being caught with one was they type of thing that would get you locked up for thought-crimes against the state, yet many survive... Sort of like our American hate-speech crimes. So let's make sure we know the real enemy is a system of government/way of thinking... That type of government/thinking is very alive and well in the USA. Put a lawn-jockey out when your black neighbors move in... Hello ethic intimidation charge!

The Chinese people love Buicks. They recall that their Emperors drove Buicks, as well as their pre-communist leaders. GM only builds Buicks in 2015 because the Chinese purchase them and hold them in similar regard as Mercedes-Benz. So I am not at all surprised a wealthy Chinese dude bought a literal boatload.

Now let me add this.------------------------------

The COMMUNIST Chinese GOVERNMENT is our enemy. They don't honor patents or intellectual property rights. They require majority partnerships with any American (or other foreign) company that wants access to their market. They routinely dump products in the US at less than the cost to manufacture them. But your own government does nothing. When was the last time you heard either "side" discuss even one of the above issues? Our American leadership is more concerned with creating jobs for ISIS than protecting their own citizens. Dems and Repubs can only agree that we need to sign the Trans-Pacific trade agreement yesterday... Something that GM, Ford, Chrysler and the UAW have come out against. THAT is something that should really piss you off.

Over on Moparts, they're equally ticked off about this while saying "these are basically grandpa cars". Sound familiar C-body lovers? I got $7500 for a '79 300 from a guy in Finland and couldn't be happier to send it. Better than leaving it in the US so some hick could pull out the engine and stuff it in a rot-bucket Duster. The chances of it existing 50-years from now are much better among "car people" who just happen to be named Markuu, Hans or even Chin.
It's called "plundering".
Victorious nations have always done it to their conquored after winning the war.
In the future, there will be two Super Powers. The Chinese and The Moslum Nation.
Be interesting to see that battle.
The Chinese have 90million ,But the Muslims are catching up fast by beheading everybody
I have absolutely ZERO probelms with exporting American classic cars - none at all. But, Carmine, what you misinterpret my saying is that the Chinese have no CAR culture of any kind, NOT that they don't appreciate history. They have NO car history, especially post-1949 (the Chinese revolution). These cars are as alien to 98% of Chinese people as most things in their culture are to us.

I've shipped five cars overseas since 1992, and two US cars BACK to the US in that time.
No argument the Chinese don't have a car culture... They weren't allowed to own anything (including cars) for 50 years after the "cultural revolution". What I'm saying is I believe they appreciate history. Not to argue with you, but the equivalent would be to say American museums should have no pre-1800 artwork because we obviously didn't produce it. What we (as car people) should really want to see happen is to see old vehicles appreciated AS artwork. When that happens, crushing an unrestored '34 Airflow becomes akin to using an unfinished Picasso as a piece of scrap canvas.

Of course the downside is they belong to "the world", and that means they travel all over, following wealth, just as a lot of European art came to the US when our nation was wealthy. The fact that I used past-tense is sad, but as I said, our so-called leaders do little to address this.

All you can really do is be glad you were around when you could afford to have such cultural artwork in your garage. The next generation has little interest, so these cars will become toys for wealthy collectors, like the last generations Picasso paintings.

*I don't know crap about art, so maybe Picasso isn't the best example.
I agree to the missing car culture with the vast majority riding bicycles. On the other Hand when I think of Germany American cars of the postwar era were merely non existent either except for the Areas with US Military bases as they cost as much as a small house in the 50s for example plus Taxation after displacement, substantially higher gas prices plus unsuitable for many Areas due to size when the cars became more affordable.

It was also left to later Generations to develop some sort of US car culture at least and collector car license plates with low taxes in the early 90s and a weakening Dollar finally kicked off the love for vintage American iron finally. Might work similarly in newly developing car culture countries.
I shipped a half dozen cars to Germany and a bunch of different ones back to states during my time in the Army. I even bought a new car through the PX and had to it shipped from the factory to Germany. I was at the port in Bermerhaven and watched them sling load it off the boat and them drove all the way south to my home base in Augsburg. That was a hell of a run from the northern coast all the way south to almost the southern border of Germany.
I shipped a half dozen cars to Germany and a bunch of different ones back to states during my time in the Army. I even bought a new car through the PX and had to it shipped from the factory to Germany. I was at the port in Bermerhaven and watched them sling load it off the boat and them drove all the way south to my home base in Augsburg. That was a hell of a run from the northern coast all the way south to almost the southern border of Germany.
Bob, I really respect that while serving your country, you also came out of it with many fond memories and rich experiences.
Gives you a different perspective and you know where to shake the left Hand instead of the right one. ;)
I'm no more sure about the side now on second thought, it had something to do with not using toilet paper in some places. Maybe he can clear that up. I'm about to go to dinner now. ;)
In some cultures the left hand is the bathroom hand.