Classic Car Market Prices


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
Waddell AZ
I'm in the market for a decent running driving classic. I'm leaving my options as to what kind of car wide open. I've seen plenty of cars that have piqued my interest. The problem is the prices. Everything to me seems way overpriced. I'm trying to understand how these prices are affordable with today's gas prices, food prices and the inflated cost of everything else. Please don't turn this into a political debate, that's not my intention. What I'm wondering is should I just start making offers of what a car is worth to me and risk insulting the seller? Anyone here who has either bought or sold a car in the last year would you please share what the difference was between asking price and selling price? I'm just trying to avoid buying a car now only to have it worth half a year from now. I don't know maybe I've just turned into a miserly old skinflint in my old age.
my $0.02.:)

I have bought/sold/owned at one time 100's of cars. Those days are over for me

I have been at this hobby for 40 years. But, I am in the phase of "buy none or one/sell ten", instead of vice versa when I was younger.

1. Age has driven me to be more conservative.

2. What my children need to have/deal with after I have shuffled off this mortal coil is reinforcing the more conservative approach

3. Changing technologies with vehicles -- I wont live long enough to see the full effect of the transition, but it will come. A building full of two-ton "paperweights" is not a good outcome. so adding MORE to that risk is not good.

4. If my mind gets weak, I go back to Step 1.

The "thrill" of having a vehcile I always wanted/come across outta the blue is just as strong as it ever was -- but what I will do to get such a vehcile is NOT the same anymore.

I always know what I wanna pay/am able to pay, am always prepared to respectfully discuss mutual transaction expectations with a seller, but i am now MUCH LESS likely to go all out to make a deal work.

I try to be cognizant that I am acting and being treated fairly, but I really cannot be too concerned (with anybody's feelings including my own) if a deal cant be done.

Hope you find something that works for ya boss. Patience and discipline may be a good way to consider to go. :)
Control your urges for the time being.
We're heading into a depression the likes of which we have not seen in 90 years.
I've got the room and a few shekels under the mattress waiting to pounce on the right Challenger. But right now, I would have to be insane.
Control your urges for the time being.
We're heading into a depression the likes of which we have not seen in 90 years.
I've got the room and a few shekels under the mattress waiting to pounce on the right Challenger. But right now, I would have to be insane.

I was looking forward to registering 2 old vehicles this year that have been in hibernation for over 6 years but have decided to put that on hold! Why drive a vehicle with $5+ gas when you only get 10MPG's? I'm sure there's other's here that will curtail their driving this year because of that? I can't even afford to fill my daily driver! How about those that want to sell, but people look at the milage they get and will either walk or want you to give it away so they can afford to buy gas for it? Price's will fall if not crash in the old car market, it's just a matter of time!
As others had said, I would wait it out for a little while. But then again, there's aways a difference between asking price and purchase price. If you're having a cordial negotiation, I wouldn't be shy about asking a seller how they came up with the price. You know enough about cars and value to talk some sense into a pie in the sky price seller.
I also advise you to wait a bit, don't rush.
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Buy the nicest cleanest original Imperial you can find. I don't think the Imperial future is going down. Lots of love and patients is needed to own one, but the smiles per mile is way up there.
If you're looking for overall value and economy, I'd say go for the malaise era - such as a '77-'79 Magnum, Mirada, Granada, Cutlass, Skylark, or Malibu. Mid size car with mid size engine....and different.
I was thinking that some people are seeing what they are getting for used car today and say i can get top dollar for my nice old car. I was just on Facebook marketplace for my area and all the car that would make nice driver are 25k+. Ones that would need a lot of work are 5k+ WOW. All i can say is wait, money is getting tight and as some of others have said the prices will come down. I really believe most people are over valuing what they have or think they have.
The other angle may be the devaluing of the dollar. Everything costs more than it did five years ago, and cars are no exception. The shortage of chips has increased used car values, and I think it's fair that that has affected old car values as well. Several factors, besides delusional sellers hopes, are behind the recent rise in prices.
i can see that for a show quality car but not for a shell that need $$$$ just to get back on the road. remember these are still old used cars.