Cop Wheels and Dog Dish caps

IT's all opinion, but I say no to poverty caps. Then again, I say that to any and all cars with them. There's a reason people threw them away when these cars were new.
I love the look of steel wheels and dog dishes. Some cars I personally feel look better than others with them.
I run them and like them alot.

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Thanks! She has a new front end as the old one was most likely original,,shocks, new dizzy [points!] Lots of little stuff ,tires and wheels and now since the old 440 is a bit tired I am getting together a build for a stroker 440 to 512,with aluminum heads etc. But keep HP exhaust manifolds. No Cuda wanna be here,,no big lopey idle but just massive torque with highway gears to move this old big boned gal with real authority and idle with a slight lope on pump gas. I am finding this a bit of a challenge cause most want big huge power but it ain't the kind of ride that my wife will ride in and frankly I don't want to deal with. Power brakes, decent to nice idle and massive torque when needed.
um, that should be EXTREMELY easy with a 512. Just go easy on the compression ratio and install a nice torque producing Hydraulic roller and you'll be flashing your highbeams at them slow pokes in the fast lane!
Sounds like you speak from experience. Fill me in.
um, that should be EXTREMELY easy with a 512. Just go easy on the compression ratio and install a nice torque producing Hydraulic roller and you'll be flashing your highbeams at them slow pokes in the fast lane!

Actually that is what I am doing. Conservative compression ratio of 9.8 to 1 with a custom grind hydraulic roller cam and a 3.23 rear.
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Sounds like you speak from experience. Fill me in.
In 1998, I built a stoke stroke 440 with Indy SR heads, solid roller cam in the .650 range, Indy dual plane intake, 850 Demon carb and it made 570hp/tq under 6,200 rpm. I backed it up with a 3200 stall, full manual 727 with a brake, 4.56 gears and a 29-31 inch tall tire. I eventually tamed the dana with a 3.73 gear and it made it even better in the left lane.

Your best money will be spent on the heads, even with a 'mild' hydraulic roller (under .600 lift) you should be able to produce a fantastically flat torque curve that rarely drops below 500 tq. Idle should be noticeable but somewhere between 700-900 rpm. You'll need some kind of stall, but it won't hurt street manners.
I’ve always liked the dog dish look. They give the car that purposeful look. Otherwise I prefer the road wheels over the mag 500s.
I used to like the Cbody Road Wheels, but my cars were never 'pretty' enough for those or the popular Magnum 500 rims. Not to mention, Poverty caps are cheap (or used to be anyway) and a very quick and inexpensive way to change the look of your car. I really like the 68-72 Plymouth cap, the salt shaker police version and the solid 'Plymouth Motor Division' ones as well. My 84 Dodge van has the 'red line' cap covering the lugs.


I've never understood the fascination with poverty caps and steel wheels.
Is it guilt because you threw them away when you were young and stuck those Cragars on?
Or the karma is doubled because you put your snow tires on them? Oh the sadness...:rofl:

Either way, I'll never understand it...but hey it's your car.
I posted this on question on the suspension/wheels &tires section and am asking it on wagon section hoping to get more responses. I would like to change the look of my 68 Plymouth Sport Suburban wagon. I have chrome magnum 500 wheels on it now(see picture) have been thinking of switching to cop wheels with dog dish caps. would like to this see some wagons with this combo. please post it if you got em.

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You've got a great looking wagon there, gonna look good regardless in my opinion. I have the magnum 500s on my wagon and until recently had thin white walls on it. There was just something about that look that didnt seem right to "me". I considered several changes and finally decided it was the white walls that didnt suit "me". I changed the tires to T/As and I'm very pleased with the white letter look with the magnums. The white walls are certainly appropriate for a wagon but to me they just didnt look right with the magnums. I would suggest you look at the photos we've all posted, ignor everyones opinion, and go with the look that suites you the most! Its your ride! And a very nice one!
sw wheels 2.JPG
sw wheels.JPG
@crazyboutwagons. I would honestly keep the Magnums on the car. I think they look great, and they set off the car and give it a special and certain look. (That I cannot describe). Just my opinion. I am not "knocking" the dog dishes, they would look good too. Here is an example of @billyfury's 70 Sport Suburban I took at Carlisle this year. If you need cop car wheels, I believe @FURYGT has some
I bought a set of c-body road wheels last year .just haven't gotten around to cleaning them up.need 2 caps.that will change shortly.retiring at end of July so will have the time.1966 T&C love the look of your wagon .