Correct Brake Booster or not?

There's a small exception noted in the FSM - it point to the booster and indicates 'P,D,C Suburban and Y Models - Large Tandem Diaphragm'.

I've searched every auto parts store online and can't find one anywhere that is a dual/tandem diaphragm, only single. Look for someone to rebuild the original? Has anyone here purchased this wagon-specific booster? If yes, from where?

Found it - had to look up as a 1973 Imperial. Tandem diaphragm, part 80085. Can't find the part anywhere, but found a rebuild service for $165. Guess that might be my only option unless anyone has a source!

As others have pointed out and you have determined, many of the 70 - 73 Wagons (as well as other cars) used the much larger dual diaphragm booster to give extra boost to the brakes. Let us know how happy you are with the rebuild.
When I lost power assist in a ‘72 4dr I had years ago, it was both hands on the bottom of the wheel and both feet on the brake, pushing with all my might to VERY slowly haul her down. Frightening indeed!
After trying to fit the booster into position, I realized that the steering column is interfering with the new (bigger diameter) booster's rear edge. It won't bolt into place. So....I returned it, got my money back (including the hefty core charge) and will be shipping the original one out for rebuilding.

At least I tried! This week I want to hunt down the build sheet. Curious to know which exact options caused it to have this booster (same as the Imperial).
After trying to fit the booster into position, I realized that the steering column is interfering with the new (bigger diameter) booster's rear edge. It won't bolt into place. So....I returned it, got my money back (including the hefty core charge) and will be shipping the original one out for rebuilding.

At least I tried! This week I want to hunt down the build sheet. Curious to know which exact options caused it to have this booster (same as the Imperial).

The larger diameter booster should have still fit your application, looks like they sold you the wrong one. Auto Zone parts jocks are not the worlds best, read clueless; might have also been mis boxed by Cardone, an outfit with a very low commitment to quality.

I just checked AutoZone’s online catalog and they show ten different boosters for a ‘73 T&C! There are two that could be yours, depending on the diameter.