Do you like the privacy of your own home...?


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 24, 2014
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Rockland; Venango County Pennsylvania
If you like the privacy of your own home. You should contact your US Representatives and Congressmen. While everyone is stuck at home and distracted HR 6666 has been entered in the House of Representatives.

Here's the article where I learned about it.

Here's the actual bill.
This will open to the text of the bill. Here's just the opening statement.
H. R. 6666

To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.

...and for other purposes. This is nearly like a blank check to come into your home for whatever reason they want. Catch all phrases are dangerous.

Here's a link to look up your representatives.

Here's a listing of senators.

If this concerns you don't just grumble about here grumble in their ears about it.
What revenue stream will fund that activity? They are seeking to follow what has already happened in other countries, I suspect.

Catch-all phrases CAN be dangerous, but also put the formulation of policy into the lap of the agency charged with the tracing operation. Legislation can be hard to fix, but policy can be altered quite readily.

Of course, the resident would always have the option to not let them past the front door, unless they had a search warrant defining their purpose at the particular location.

The other side of things is that if you have anything that you desire to keep out of sight, this is fair warning to move it soon. BTAIM

If you like the privacy of your own home. You should contact your US Representatives and Congressmen. While everyone is stuck at home and distracted HR 6666 has been entered in the House of Representatives.

Here's the article where I learned about it.

Here's the actual bill.
This will open to the text of the bill. Here's just the opening statement.
H. R. 6666

To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.

...and for other purposes. This is nearly like a blank check to come into your home for whatever reason they want. Catch all phrases are dangerous.

Here's a link to look up your representatives.

Here's a listing of senators.

If this concerns you don't just grumble about here grumble in their ears about it.

I wonder what idiot gave the bill the 6666 designation.

This reminds me of the best scene out of Oh Brother Where Art Thou...



I wonder what idiot gave the bill the 6666 designation.

Not accidental, these evil bastards are playing with people and are now so confident that they can impose anything they want on the masses that they can openly hint to their agenda.
Thank you for the link, John.

They can kiss my ***. And that goes for the "mandatory" vaccines idea they have floated around too.
I looked at the text of the actual bill (second link). It's just a funding bill, to provide grant money to fund local and mobile testing centers, to support people who are quarantined because they are infected, and to "trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals".

The text does not define what is meant by "contact tracing". If there is more text or another bill that defines contact tracing as forcibly entering your home or forcing you to wear a tracking device, that's the bill you'd need to be worried about. This is just the funding bill for that activity, whatever it is.

I would presume that "contact tracing" means identifying and contacting people who were potentially exposed to an infected person to notify them that they too may be infected and act accordingly. That's a reasonable but time-consuming activity for curbing the spread of coronavirus.

IMO, unless there's more to it than this text, this bill by itself does not authorize authorities to violate your rights, and the news article is adding a lot of fear-mongering hyperbole.
Bobby Rush is a Dickfore **** if you ask me, he can kiss the fattest, shittiest part of my ***!
Bill 6666 is probably not a bill that they think they can pass but it does represent wish list and an attempt by the radical left to emulate China and the oppressive surveillance state that has been imposed there. This bill has the potential to fund such a system. They are not stupid enough to codify such a system in this bill but the details can be left to administrative minions who write the code after the funding is in acted. The left is always about expanding the power of the state, the lock downs are a means to an end to accomplish this. Nothing the left hates more than motivated individuals wanting to go to work for the private sector and engage in that evil for profit system when labor and innovation are rewarded. That runs counter to their entire mindset, the government is supposed to own all the resources, have all the power and dispense the largess to it's loyal supporters. People wanting to work for a living is heresy to them.


Comrade Lenin: " We must hang all the capitalists"
Comrade Trotsky: "There is not so much rope in all of Russia"
Comrade Lenin: "The Capitalists will sell it to us"

Evil doers seldom operate in a vacuum, especially if there is money to be made. Not all capitalists are evil, but some will do almost anything to enrich themselves at the expense of others. Bill the Gates comes to mind.

Comrade Lenin: " We must hang all the capitalists"
Comrade Trotsky: "There is not so much rope in all of Russia"
Comrade Lenin: "The Capitalists will sell it to us"

Evil doers seldom operate in a vacuum, especially if there is money to be made. Not all capitalists are evil, but some will do almost anything to enrich themselves at the expense of others. Bill the Gates comes to mind.

Like the “you’ll kill me last right?” traitor in all the bad alien invasion movies correct?

Don’t be that guy.
Comrade Lenin: " We must hang all the capitalists"
Comrade Trotsky: "There is not so much rope in all of Russia"
Comrade Lenin: "The Capitalists will sell it to us"

Evil doers seldom operate in a vacuum, especially if there is money to be made. Not all capitalists are evil, but some will do almost anything to enrich themselves at the expense of others. Bill the Gates comes to mind.


Tracking device? Cell phone and a search warrant of where it's been. Remember the last "Vanishing Point" movie where Kowalski throws it into the baggage hold of the bus?
At this point contact tracing has been proposed as voluntary and anonymous. Riiiiight.
My cell is usually left home or in the car. Safely physically distanced.
And of course the info won’t be miss-used. cough!! Fisa, De-masking requests, etc.
You guys are a riot. It’s a funding bill. Contact tracing is done every time there is a disease out break, it’s already being done and has been done for years by the CDC. Problem is, this pandemic is too big for one agency to handle so they are looking for alternatives like private and non profits to take up the slack. Fact is, these organizations are already doing this with their own budgets, and publicly available data.

If you are worried about privacy, just say no thank you when someone calls. Then again, if someone does call, go get tested, you probably came in contact with an infected person.

So put the ammo away, and come out of the basement, you’ll be fine.

Come out, come out Wherever you are