Dog is my Copilot...

The Goose

Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
Reaction score
Santa Clarita ca
Okay Big John started this with his new copilot let’s see who’s riding shotgun in everybody else’s cars!!!



Here’s Abby she gets the gist of it just needs more driving lessons.
Less than a week away from having a copilot myself! I'm so excited! I always like seeing your Corgi. Interesting how she can have one ear all the way down, and the other all the way up!
My eight-year-old Black Mouth Cur, Rolene. She loves the back of my wife's Buick Enclave! Lots of room, and she gets to stick her head out of the window!

She's a tornado rescue. In 2013, her home was destroyed, but her and her family were ok. They couldn't find temp housing that would allow a dog her size, so she went to a Boxer.Rescue. I got her from them nearly a year after that tornado. Sweet, sweet doggie! She'll size you up as friend or foe in a millisecond, too. Chases deer and squirrels! Scarfs up the occasional mole or snake, as well. Sleeps in our bed, with her own special Denver Bronco fleece blanket. Counts to three. Smart dog!

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My new pup, King, coming home from the dog rescue on Saturday. He had surgery on one eye a week ago... Looks much better now.


And my last dog, House hanging out at NAPA with me. Lost him 2 1/2 years ago.

House NAPA.jpg
[QUOTE="Big_John, post: 875863, member: 2054" Great personalities![/QUOTE]
It's not a Ratdog that I would want!!!

Mah Boi...He's got the cone of care on due to some growth removals on his ears and head.

I wonder if he still misses his female buddy. I know I do.
House couldn't handle the cone... We did this inflatable collar instead so he didn't chew up his tail. He had what they call "happy tail" where he smacked it on something and broke it open. There was blood all over the place... Looked like a murder scene here.

Looked like he was ready to go swimming.

[QUOTE="Big_John, post: 875863, member: 2054" Great personalities!
It's not a Ratdog that I would want!!!
That is freakin hilarious. They aren’t little dogs I’d say more medium size. All neck strong and they are pretty fast. They are herding dogs so they are smart, good w kids and very protective but also very controllable. The only rule with these guys is you can’t have two or more women in the same house. They’ll fight like cats n dogs (but then again this ain’t news to most of us...).
The only rule with these guys is you can’t have two or more women in the same house. They’ll fight like cats n dogs (but then again this ain’t news to most of us...).
My neighbor had 2 rat dogs, don't know what they were?? Every damm morning between 6-6:30, those 2 little POS's would have a fight in the backyard and wake me up, they would never put a stop to it! It would also happen numerous times during the day, and just out of nowhere. I talked to the Man of the house and he said that they were his Daughters, and he couldn't wait for her to move out. I can't blame him! He also said that he wanted to take them out to BLM and have target practice with them, I would've been more than happy to help out him with that! I'm sure glad that they've moved since them as the silence is Golden!
My neighbor had 2 rat dogs, don't know what they were?? Every damm morning between 6-6:30, those 2 little POS's would have a fight in the backyard and wake me up, they would never put a stop to it! It would also happen numerous times during the day, and just out of nowhere. I talked to the Man of the house and he said that they were his Daughters, and he couldn't wait for her to move out. I can't blame him! He also said that he wanted to take them out to BLM and have target practice with them, I would've been more than happy to help out him with that! I'm sure glad that they've moved since them as the silence is Golden!
Yah that sucks. Bad dogs usually = bad owners. Abby isn’t allowed to bark after it gets late and she mostly just barks at the mailman. I’d probably bark at him too because he’s a dick. Anyways trust me if she was a yippie troublemaker we’d take care of it. She has a BIG dog bark in a smaller size body. It’s funny because her bark is so loud it startles people. When we got her she had been severely abused and was pretty broken. We solved all the bad habits except for stealing people food if it’s left out. We fill her bowl and she eats all day and doesn’t go hog wild. The vet said the food thing is unfixable because they starved her. He said it’s not about the food because she eats her dog food normally. Anyways don’t blame the pooch it’s usually bad owner causes bad behavior.

Crazy well that’s unfixable too thank goodness!!!

People are to Damm afraid to train their critter's and show them who's really the "Alpha Male" in the household with their failure to train them as to who's in charge!!!! They're just as bad as the Fatherless kids that Mother's allows them and get away with Murder, and the kids lack of having a Father figure to guide and discipline them as they should be!!!! Classic dog pic!!!!
Jack Russell Terrier's are just that, A TERROR! (at least the few I've come across in my lifetime)

Awww but aren't they cute!


FOLKS DON'T BE FOOLED! (you've been warned)

Unconditional Love Always.....

If you lock your dog and your wife in the trunk of your car for half an hour..... Only one of them will lick you when you let them out !!!!!!

And no dogs are getting this coronavirus, did you notice????? So I am doing what they do for my antibodies... Every day I eat a can of Alpo and lick

Stay safe, everyone, Drink Orange Juice....