Door adjustment question


Active Member
Jul 17, 2021
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I’m prepping my 1970 convertible for paint, and I’m playing with the fit of the drivers door.
The door operates perfectly, and the body line towards the top of the door lines up perfectly with the same body line on the front fender and the rear quarter.
My issue is that at the front bottom of the door, the door sits out about 1/8” proud of the bottom edge of the fender and the rocker. At the top front of the door the door is in about 1/16”or so where it meets the top of the fender.
According to the FSM to change this adjustment, it needs to be made at the pillar, not the door which seems counter intuitive to me.
So I thought I would post it up here to see if you C body gurus can help me out with how to make this minor door adjustment.
To move the door in loosen the lower hinge bolts going into the door and push the door in so it is flush with the rocker. Tighten bolts and you're done. If you loosen the bolts on the pillar that will move the door forward or back, either opening or closing the gap between the door and fender.
@david hill recently went through Poppy, my 1970 Polara 'vert, and adjusted the doors of DRK SD, @73 New Yorker 's NYB. He may be able to chime in -- that is for CM27T0C151049 , correct?
It doesn’t look like there is any adjustment on the hinge where it bolts to the door; pretty much just a hole the size of the bolts. That was my obvious guess as well but once I saw there was basically no adjustment at the door side of the hinge, I went to the manual which stated the adjust in out is done at the pillar side of the hinge, again which seems goofy to me
It doesn’t look like there is any adjustment on the hinge where it bolts to the door; pretty much just a hole the size of the bolts. That was my obvious guess as well but once I saw there was basically no adjustment at the door side of the hinge, I went to the manual which stated the adjust in out is done at the pillar side of the hinge, again which seems goofy to me
There is adjustment there. The holes aren't slotted but there's a plate inside that moves. Trust me, it'll work.