Old Man with a Hat
Ziebart is ugly but it works.

That's why I chose it for the NYB. Not a coincidence. It was perfect.....More trivia- 1977 was the only year Chrysler offered a metallic Black from the factory.
That's why I chose it for the NYB. Not a coincidence. It was perfect.....
Chrysler never went to non-body colour engine compartments. The car's body is Black metallic, therefore the engine compartment on this car is too. More trivia- 1977 was the only year Chrysler offered a metallic Black from the factory.
That's why I chose it for the NYB. Not a coincidence. It was perfect.....
Seriously short on disposable income for chroming right now. But you are not wrong.Your wheels would of looked better painted that color IMHO.
Not taken the wrong way.......but you may not understand.
My military pension has nothing to do with what I'm doing now for work or chroming wheels. I earn every nickel I get. I have multiple careers and I'm still working.
My military pension was earned for service/risk/sacrifice far and above what most people ever do in the workplace. 100 hour work weeks with no OT pay for 20 years is a given in the Army unless you are one of the few that have one those Club Paradise 40-50 hour a week military jobs. Years and years separated from family and stationed overseas. The wear and tear on your body from 20 years in the Army is devastating. The military was a tough life and the pension is not anywhere near a golden parachute as many people may think. I don't have any bills or credit card debt (by living within my means) and I still can't retire on my pension to pay my mortgage and living expenses. And I don't live in Beverly Hills. You have a much nicer home than I do.....and I don't even have a damn garage.