Bingo!In my opinion, motivated buyers who know what they’re looking for won’t mind looking through a few pages of ads to find it.
I'd crawl through a football field of rats to get to an Imperial I wanted badly.
Bingo!In my opinion, motivated buyers who know what they’re looking for won’t mind looking through a few pages of ads to find it.
I dig Spam! I'd rather have that then this!I had a Spam sandwich today. I'm serious. It just seemed right.
Oh.. with Cape Cod Chips, too.
Exactly. The concern is that there are several members posting multiple ads almost every day --
Oh ****!!I dig Spam! I'd rather have that then this!
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It's funny how this is the only board of Joey's that's contaminated with this crap, and has to have a topic on it. I think Joey should address the issue with the perpetrator and have them stop this non-sense. I don't come here to see 5 million ads for something I'm not interested in, I would rather not see his constant ****. So, knock it off!
It's bad enough that I have to see Joey putting more ads on his sites, and pisses me off even more with him trying to solicit even more money for his sites through a private message. Joey! You need to knock that **** off as well, I DO NOT appreciate it one single bit!
rutro...somebody poked the Stubbs bear...Oh ****!!