It was one of those niche, flash-in-the-pan deals from back then, like "touch-up paint paste" (which we still had some of, packed away, from the earlier '70s. A neat idea, but like many Chrysler deals back then, not well-understood by the dealers or the general public (as to why they were better), but still a pretty good idea.
Of course, if there were cars sitting on the lots with that Camaro option, there'd better be replacement cannisters of "the stuff" in the dealership parts department, too, for best results and customer satisfaction.
In the '60s, there was a Greyhound bus driver that'd come into the neighborhood store to get a gallon of cheap bleach. He said he'd pour some on the rear tires of his buss and then it would move in icy weather. Just needed enough to get it moving, he said.