Ever straightened a bumper yourself?


"Get off my lawn!"
Sep 8, 2021
Reaction score
LIttleton NC
Still dont have this in my grubby little hands yet, but judging by the picture attached, I believe someone at one point pushed this car with a bumper push (note the center is closer and the outer spacing to body is off)
Anybody attempted this on your own?

Following*. Ive got one too, thinking of using a bottle jack. Ill i was told was " use a big hammer"
Following*. Ive got one too, thinking of using a bottle jack. Ill i was told was " use a big hammer"

I tried doing one years ago when I was young and stupid using a chain......needless to say Im not trying that again this time........
There is a member on here that has many re-chromed bumpers for sale. Do a search, you might get lucky.
I'd imagine it may be bent directly in the middle near the fuel filler, as this would be the weakest point. If this is the case. you may get lucky setting it on two pieces of wood towards the outside, and applying some presure to the center as it may not take much force to move the weakest point. Work slowly. First step would be evaluation to decide how far it is out. This way you will have an established baseline when attempting to bend it back.
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I've done it on a 20 ton press. Go slow and small changes, check your changes often, to the point of it being tedious. Anything you're going to see should be supported with hardwood when contacting the press. Perhaps dense rubber. Heat is also your friend if you have it.
really hard to tell for sure from the pic, but to me it looks more twisted down at each end - which would also explain the gap difference in the center. I'd be tempted to mount it and then try to raise up each end gently with a floor jack and a piece of 4x4. Maybe someone jacked the car from the center of the bumper. If possible mount it onto a scrap body or a jig, as you will need to jack further than the normal position because it will spring back a ways. Cracking the chrome is also going to be a concern, you may get lucky, you may not - that is a random chance issue...
My 2cents.