Beautiful day to end the year!!! Happy new year to all.
Great day for door bashing!
tools out to raise rear of front door so it no longer rides the strike. Took an 1/8” shim at the bottom of the lower hinge but it got there.
Where I left it in our last episode. Not bad fit but riding the strike into position.
Upper hinge of driver rear door. It looks like it’s never been touched. Dry too... shame on me.
Lower hinge of same door. Front driver hinges top and bottom were the same but I had lubed them at least.
Some bashing and fiddling later. And here is how it works.
passenger side now working the same.
interesting tha the fenders on both sides are a bit high in reference to the doors. I’ll have to raise the doors when it comes time with the fenders back on.
Drivers side window alignment good too!!
Passenger side is a little tight at the top.
that’s all for today.... I hear my wife calling.... happy new year!!!