'fess up. Who here hasn't driven a stickshift?

Cops are telling their supervisors they can replace their Cown Vic with a Taurus when they pry his cold dead fingers off the steering wheel.
The two biggest mistakes ever made:
Killing the Caprice (and it's siblings) and killing the Panther platform.
I think if people weren't so f,,,king stupid in the first place we wouldn't need self driving cars. some one should invent an app for your cell phone that automatically sends a fist from underneath the dashboard directly to the drivers forehead
I think if people weren't so f,,,king stupid in the first place we wouldn't need self driving cars. some one should invent an app for your cell phone that automatically sends a fist from underneath the dashboard directly to the drivers forehead
Change it to the groin and you've got a marketable product.
Cops are telling their supervisors they can replace their Cown Vic with a Taurus when they pry his cold dead fingers off the steering wheel.
The two biggest mistakes ever made:
Killing the Caprice (and it's siblings) and killing the Panther platform.
Sorry to any LEO members... F the cops... FOP likes to throw weight around and make demands. GM had an FOP boycott over seat belts... they were right, but not subtle... ever wonder why your power door locks engaged whenever you put your GM in drive? When they finally retired a very out of date chassis Ford was the only game in town for body on frame construction. FOP was F-ing around with Ford over rear impact crashes... if you hit it hard enough you crush the frame where it jumps the rear axle, which pushes the fuel tank into the axle. That takes a really hard hit, but standard design on modern cars puts the tank in front of the rear axle which protects it in that kind of impact.
If you put a 1970s full size gm in the air and a 1996 Caprice or a 2011 Crown Vic vs. 1970s full size Ford... you would be hard pressed to spot any big design differences. Those cars only continued as long as they did because they generated guaranteed fleet sales... when the liabilities of the outdated designs were jumped on by the folks the cars were still in production for... F-them... Taurus is faster and safer... just stop jumping curbs and driving through parks like you're Bruce Willis and the car is good. Been thinking for years that a clean Town Car or Grand Marquis would be my next DD, If the damn taxi companies don't use them all up first.

I'm agreeing with you Stan... but they died because they were too risky to keep in production... thank the FOP for both saving and killing them.
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I kinda like driving through parks like Bruce Willis myself.... Just saying...
Good riddins, box on frame like my sons go cart when the body is on it. I will follow the lead of my man Walter P. Chrysler and the work of the Chrysler Airflow, the first unitized body production car. You guys are in line with the forward thinkers of the 30s ,not. Amazingly everyone has seen the light and is now constructing unitized cars, should be done with pick ups below one ton IMHO. Of course everyone wanting all the crap that does its best to distract you from driving and safety items so you don't die as a result of the distractions have negated the weight savings, oh well.
I got stuck in a waiting room today and guss what was the only thing lying around?
Yep, 20 year old National Geographics. One double page ad had me studying it closely. It was how Chrysler's new "Cab Forward" design was the design of the future.
Look at every platform out there and it has the front wheel wells bumping into your feet.
Never in a Caprice or Vic.
I got stuck in a waiting room today and guss what was the only thing lying around?
Yep, 20 year old National Geographics. One double page ad had me studying it closely. It was how Chrysler's new "Cab Forward" design was the design of the future.
Look at every platform out there and it has the front wheel wells bumping into your feet.
Never in a Caprice or Vic.

That cab forward design Intrepid was originally a design that Chrysler had done for Lamborghini, when they owned that company.
The main reason I have the Grand Marquis is my wife can get in and out easily... But the other reason is that the car is as simple as any car gets these days. I actually think I can do a lot of work on this car.... There was nothing that I could work on with the Ford Edge we traded in... Nothing.... The alternator crapped out once.... I couldn't even see it, let alone replace it.

Body on frame? Yep, old technology. 3 of the 4 vehicles I own have a frame. (53 Windsor, 03 Excursion and the Mercury) I don't go fast anymore so it makes no difference to me. It rides nice, drives well, doesn't take a rocket surgeon to fix it and parts are dirt cheap. Perfect car for me.
WhereTF are trunk lids going these days.
Sedans give you this mail slot to get into the trunk now.
Good riddins, box on frame...
I agree, but it does make for easy and cheap repairs... and these cars dont crumple as well as the newer stuff, which is part of what the cops liked. As I understand it the police package could be ordered with a factory fire suppression system, I haven't seen one though.
WhereTF are trunk lids going these days.
Sedans give you this mail slot to get into the trunk now.
That would be the other ends version of cab forward... *** Backward?
The Maryland State Police guys I know like the Crown Vic's but the State of Maryland is throwing a lot of money in to keeping these cars on the road. Brakes need to be replaced every 10k - 15k miles because of the severe duty. Most of these cars have 300k or more miles on them. They are starting to get Chargers and Chevy PPV's which they are tickled to death with HP and speed of these cars.

Worst case scenario under the most dire circumstances, everything would go except my F150. It's not a truck, it's my ever faithful companion.