Filler neck grommet install.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Reaction score
East Texas
Is there any tips on installing my new gas tank grommet in new tank? Ive heard heating it in hot water to soften up or vasoline. And then installing filler neck. Experiences on best method will be helpful! Thanks again guys.
I would spray it with silicone spray. That's my weapon of choice for any rubber item as I know it will both work and not have any bad aftereffects.
I just rub some olive oil on it, and slide it in. No comments from the peanut gallery please.
The "no comments" just makes me want to comment more. But I don't think I need to.
I always appreciate the comments, tips, info advice. Always helps me! I think I know what the" no comments" meant in regards to installing the filler neck.....
Bevel the leading edge of the filler tube then polish the tube as far as you intend to insert it into the grommet. I install the tube before I install the tank when possible.