I was not advocating the alternative approach that you are glad didn't happen either Jeff (and the way the coupler was designed by Chrysler, even if the rubber sections became separated, the coupler could not come apart causing one to lose steering capability - slop yes, but not total lack of steering). I was only saying that the Land Rover part would be a better approach than the aluminum non-isolated part, at least for those who want to keep the original intention to isolate the passenger compartment from road shocks/noise. The steering column shafts as mounted in our cars using the Chrysler isolator were usually
not aligned straight going into the steering box from the factory. But they need to be aligned using the Bouchillion aluminum coupler - not always easy or successful - see thread referenced below for others' experiences with them).
Why is Bouchillion claiming that their aluminum puck is intended for off road use only - maybe because if the steering column shaft is not aligned straight on with the steering box, there could be stress issues over time that might cause the steering system to fail?
All of these issues have been discussed previously at length in this thread including where to buy the Land Rover part (please note that in the 5th post in that thread, I was incorrectly cited as having for sale a Bouchillion billet - I did not):
Steering coupler needed