Floppy cruise control switch

73 T&C

Senior Member
FCBO Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
Coral Gables, Florida
Ok guys, I need some expert advice. And no Viagra jokes please!


The cruise control switch started coming loose on the wagon. FSM is silent on any repair so I figured someone out there may have solved this puzzle.

It seems to have a c or e clip inside just inside the chrome thumb wheel. It also has a groove on the top for a screw or small Allen wrench.

Tried feeling around for both to tighten.
No luck switch still works fine but you need both hands to turn it on and it looks like crap all limp like....

Any info would be great.

I've tried to disassemble a few junk cruise control stocks over the years. They are not a serviceable part from my finding. Never been able to get one apart, and then back together. They are usually plastic formed, and/or welded to the inner components. Don't think I've tried to take apart a stock like your though....so maybe it can be done?
Thanks... Believe it or not... That's a start. Though I wouldn't break a good one, I would like to cut one up that was already broken to see how they were made.

was hoping someone had taken one apart for some info.