Old Man with a Hat
I absolutely LOVE an Edsel..................... Cant for the life of me why they didnt sell and everything else did......
the only Edsel which looks nicely styled to me is the rare 60 model.
58&59 are boring. Go check out Chrysler and Desotos from 58 and you will know what great styling is
So I was just born into the world 5 mins ago. The first thing I see is the back of this car. Now, please explain the logic behind these appendages. What function do these huge horizontally situationed fins serve..just what do they do? (with respect to the normal function of this automobile). How do they do it? Is this function(s) proven or at least widely accepted without argument?
Not enough to tack eyebrows in the front, now he has to have them in the rear too......seriously. C'mon.Runner up
..This is not (attractive) design, it's kiche'. Let's try to make cars look like rocketships that will take you to the moon. Yah, that seem's very logical.1960 & 61 were two of the best years of automotive design. Stepping out of the lavishly chrome laden designs of the 50's, almost every American auto manufacturer produced extremely attractive designs, full of character and self identy.
What function do these huge horizontally situationed fins serve..just what do they do? (with respect to the normal function of this automobile). How do they do it? Is this function(s) proven or at least widely accepted without argument?QUOTE]
The automotive reference term for those horizontal fins is .... stablizers. Thats also the term Chrysler used to describe the fins on their 57's and later cars.
There was no wind tunnel tests in that era but Nascar racers claimed the vertical fins were somewhat effective for side force, but the horizontal fins ..... not so much. In fact they tended to provide more "lift" then downforce.
Wrong. Magic happens when objects/things function properly and blend seamlessly into one's life. Boring function is bad design.very simple Gary.
function is a boring thing which has nothing magic.
But design has. That is what makes late 50s american cars something special.
If you want function go buy a small Toyota
What function do these huge horizontally situationed fins serve..just what do they do? (with respect to the normal function of this automobile). How do they do it? Is this function(s) proven or at least widely accepted without argument?QUOTE]Stabilizers? You REALLY believe that? A passenger car from that era easily weights at least 2 tons need aerodynamic vertical/horizontal stabilizers?What, so that Mary can stay in complete control of her car on the way to the hairdressers? C'mon. It was all about selling crap to the public.The automotive reference term for those horizontal fins is .... stablizers. Thats also the term Chrysler used to describe the fins on their 57's and later cars.
There was no wind tunnel tests in that era but Nascar racers claimed the vertical fins were somewhat effective for side force, but the horizontal fins ..... not so much. In fact they tended to provide more "lift" then downforce.
That REALLY has to be one of the ugliest cars ever to come out of detroit. Those fins could actually impale someone.