I've had KYBs Gas-A-Just on Poppy, my '70 Polara 'vert, for 15 months and love the ride.
@71Polara383 did the same on his '69 Servprolara wagon, and likes them as well. I know that
@ImpJay got Monroes for his big white '73 beauty last month, but suppose one wanted to stick with KYBs:
1. are KYBs any harder to install on a fusie Imp than on a fusie Dodge? The fronts were a pain on the Dodge...
2. for a '73 LeBaron, the
4507 front shocks seem to be available at Summit, but for the rear Summit recommends the KYB Excel-G
343159 (Schoockwarehouse simply does not carry any KYB shock at all for the '73 rear). Seems right, or am I missing some KYB choices?
3. do the KYBs come with the necessary rubber bushings?
What do you guys use for your '72s and '73s? (
@Megawattkid? others?)