
After a pretty decent rain shower passed & dried off some I put 2 coats of primer on the bumper. Followed by 2 coats of base. I wish I had used black as a base but the lite purple should do. I’m letting the bumper dry over night due to the humidity. Tomorrow I’ll put on 2 coats of dark purple. The car is ready to go to the track to start some shake down runs. Just a lot of rain. And scheduling conflicts. Hopefully soon I can start with that process
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So June will make two years I’ve owned this car & it’s not made it to the track yet. A lot of improvements have been done. Here’s a summary of all that’s been done starting at the front bumper & working rearwards
1 glass bumper & custome made brackets
2 new set of used front runners
3 60 amp alternator & custom mounting bracket
4 removed power brake booster & installed a modern lite weight M/C
4 custom made brake block valve bracket & installed line loc
5 stripped Stock steering column to bare shaft & custom made mounting points with bearings
6 cleaned up rats nets of wires under dash
New tach installed with memory function
7 volt meter installed
8 seat lowered & moved further back
9 installed seat back brace
10 front drive shaft loop installed
11 8 3/4 rear end from 71 Chrysler installed & remove factory ISO parts & rear sway bar
11 sure grip unit installed with 2.94 gear
12 long shocks installed.
13 Polyurethane bushing installed in front K frame & rear spewing
14 10 inch drum brakes installed for weight savings
15 3 in X 36 in exhaust pipes installed.
16 shifter & cable re-worked
17 new brake line installed at rear
18 patch rear window channel
19 Fury steering wheel installed & painted.
20 driver door hinge shimmed.
21 new battery
22 positive battery cable improved
23 new Holley pump diaphragm
24 dash cap installed
25 correct length drive shaft installed
26 header gasket installed
27 new spark plugs
28 longer lug studs installed
I loaded FURYIOUS on the trailer & pulled it under the carport. She awaits a date at a local track. Scheduling is weak as far as test N tunes. Freed up a bay in the shop so I pulled the Land Shark in & will do some work to it.
Looks good, Bob! You have anyone snapping photos or video for you?
Look what went out to play tonite. Very pleased with the test. I got a strong horse. I also got a LOT of chassis tuning to do.
Ok I made 4 passes. First two just lazy checking things over. Pass 3 I tried a burnout & botched it due to shifter issues. I do not like this shifter & it’s comming off. I deep staged & left at 1000 RPM. Rolled out to the 60 at half to 2/3rd throttle & then floored it. Shifted at 5000 to second. Went to shift at 5 again to third & shifter just wouldn’t shift. Finally it went in. Ran a 9.01 @ 80 MPH. It was getting late & only a few cars in the lanes so I let it cool 20 minutes & headed back up. Much better burn out. Staged good & I had got mixed in with the no time carss & they had tree set on Pro. I left at 1200 still rolled out about to the 60 ft untill I floored it. Shifted at 5000 & then just before the traps the shift lite came on & I shifted to third. Clicked off a 8.75 Those last two passes the car was floored at half track. It lifts the front up like a gasser & floats all over the track. It’s a handful. And I’m running a 3.08 gear so that’s why it traps going into 3rd gear. So taking the 8.75. If I leave at 2000 full throttle & can trap 5500 in third & dont have to chase the car all over the top end I believe it’s costing me a half second. That would make a 8.25 & then I can improve it from there & should find another tenth or more. So I went out to my shop & as I thought I have a pair of CE adjustable front shocks. I will put them on & see if it stiffens the front up. And I’m going to order a brand new set of 30 x 10.5 biased ply slicks. Then I will build my case with a 4.86 gear that I already bought. That should fix a lot of the problems.
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Well she’s about ready for some more shake down runs. A couple minor things to do yet. Since her first outing I’ve installed new front shocks, rear slicks, lowered her 1 inch. Plan was Galot Motorsports Park this Sunday. Same track as her debut but the heat index is off the chart the next 4-5 days approaching 100 so I’ll let her sit till the heat wave passes. If you are in the area come on out & meet FURYIOUS & myself
Ok lowered the rear 1 1/4, new slicks on & new shocks on the front. Pulled her out in the sun shine & gave her a bath. Hope to go out this weekend if the weather holds out.
Ok some more progress. I took the car out to a local track & made 5 passes. The car was no longer bouncing down the track so the new shocks fixed that. The handling was much improved but still a little twitchy on the top end especially after crossing the stripe & the car settling down. So I lowered the front T bars 1/2 inch & dropped the psi in the rear slicks from 18 to 16. Went out on pass 3 & it handled much better. Straight as I can drive it & down right smooth. However the car dropped off 2 tenths. Looks like it spun despite a killer burnout that had smoke rolling out of the wheel wells. So pass #4 i shifted at 5200 & the car picked back up one tenth which was good as it was 95 degrees now. So it ran a 8.71 @ 83 mph on #2. 8.83 @ 83 mph on #4. So I went out for one final pass. Temps had cooled to 93. I decided to shift at 5500. Car hooked good & went 8.73 @ just a tick under 84 mph. With the 3.08 rear gear I only have to shift once on these 1/8 mile tracks we have around here. It crosses the stripe in 2nd gear at 5000 so I’m thinking about putting a 3.55/spool in it. That will help it out of the hole & should be able to still shift just once & trap under 5500. On another note I’ve scaled the car at two different tracks & it was 3230 with out me in it at both. Surprised it’s that lite. Yea I could put a 4.56 gear in it & pick up 4 thenths but I like the one shift strategy. Kinda like a torqueflyte/powerglide. Now that I have it driving good I can work on Performance & consistency.
If you use a conversion table, your 8.7-8.8 comes out to mid to high 13's at around 103-104
Why the low rpm limit? Engine should breathe to 6k I would think?
That's a nice weight Bob I hope my car is that low.
I have made some progress on my car. Hopefully, make some passes by September, in primer so no beauty queen.
Dave/Dana with the carb shop said he went 11.18 with the cam I am using in a 3400# car. If I got within 3/10 of that I would be more than pleased.
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