Gas Price


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score
Saw this sobering pic on FBBO. Pic was somewhere in California. The guy said the area just smells like smoke and he was getting outa there. [Moving]
What are the gas prices in your area now?
Lowest I have seen in MA was $2.35 for 87 regular and my wife saw premium in Chicopee MA $2.55 at BJ's or more usually $2.83 at usual stations.

Here in SW Wisconsin gas prices are:

Regular unleaded $2.54
88 (15%)unleaded $2 49
Premium unleaded $3.45
All + or - 3 cents/gal.
Yep... that is California. Gas taxes are about 90 cents of that...and half of that is supposed to be for the roads,,.,,. if you trusted the guys in charge.. instead it is going to a hi speed train ??? park trails and the general fund...Luv those guys in charge.
Oh the agony of anybody that chose's to live in that state and be so blind as to not see what's happening to them! There's a lot of clueless people there that think otherwise, their problem, not mine!
I just filled up the Imp tonight with premium for $3.09.
It's not just the price that scares me in the future,it's the quality. It's bad now and only going to get worse in the future with probably less octane along with the price. It is a big worry to me when building my stroker, the future of the quality of pump premium gas. Don't want to be addicted to race or airplane fuel.
$2.89 for 87, $3.19 for 89 & $3.49 for 93 octane. Our gas tax is 2nd highest in the country. It is supposed to go towards road and infrastucture improvement. Good luck trying to find any improvements on these roads. I'm just sayin'.
91 octane ethanol free is about 3.70
87 octane for the dd is 2.92
About 0.60 is taxes for roads...haha... who do they think they are kidding

Yeah about the same I think for ethanol free but I go to NY State to get it. I run my lawn mower and snow blower on that stuff.
91 Unleaded was aus$1.71 per litre a few days ago, now hovering around $1.50/litre. 98 octane fuel was aus$1.98/litre last Saturday. We are getting ripped off big time, the government tax is .41c for every litre of unleaded petrol we put in our tanks, plus we also pay 10% GST (Goods and Services Tax) on top of that. :soapbox:
It’s because the Oakland refinery went up in smoke yesterday. The price will skyrocket then come back back down like a feather. I don’t pay for gas ( company truck company card ) so I really haven’t noticed the prices going up. Kalifornia only purchases fuel from Kalifornia. It’s insane but then again it’s insane out here. This happened before it’ll happen again....

It was the ethanol holding tanks that blew if I remember right.
It's not just the price that scares me in the future,it's the quality. It's bad now and only going to get worse in the future with probably less octane along with the price. It is a big worry to me when building my stroker, the future of the quality of pump premium gas. Don't want to be addicted to race or airplane fuel.
Lots of the kids running hot new cars out here are tuning them to run on that E85 crud. They all say they can do a much more aggressive tune with that stuff instead of regular ol premium gas gas. I got a buddy with a 790 horse mustang gt and he is running E85 ever since he installed the blower. They don’t seem to care about mileage or less btu’s per volume it’s all about max power.
Price in N TX has been around 2.05/gal 87 pump octane for a good while, going do to about 1.95/gal at a few stations near McKinney, but spiked to $2.35 for 87 pump octane yesterday. "Price correction" it was termed, as it's been so inexpensive lately. Ethanol-free 87 is about 40 cents gallon more at WalMart, E15, where available at QT, is 6cents/gallon below what 87 pump octane is. I'm probably going to limit "fill-ups" to $20.00 until the price eases back down.

As for gas taxes, I understand that TX is one of the states that does not get back all of the federal gas taxes that are collected and sent to the feds. Also a state gas tax, too, in the mix. And TXDOT perceives that we need more toll roads -- NOT. All of the new construction in Fort Worth, in places to allegedly relieve congestion, the new lanes are in the same location as the old lanes, just with tolled lanes in the middle, as the only congestion relief. Most off-ramps are 2-lane rather than 1-lane, and farther apart. Progress?
