Gasket ??

Mopar mike

Nov 30, 2012
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One exthouse gasket blew in my 440, i have gasket for my 400 stroker projekt, does that fit, ????
Exhaust gasket between head and exhaust manifold? If that's what you mean, then yes it'll fit. (Headers or other alterations may change the answer.)
I loosen all bolts for the manifold but it wont come off its not room, it hit the frame parts. Can i put a jack under the oil pan and lift the engine, and not damagin somthing ?
I loosen all bolts for the manifold but it wont come off its not room, it hit the frame parts. Can i put a jack under the oil pan and lift the engine, and not damagin somthing ?

put a block of wood between the jack and the oil pan and make sure it's loose and going to move when you jack
Don't forget to take the bolts out of the motor mounts and jack slowly. If you do it right, it will be fine.

BTW, Chrysler didn't use gaskets on their exhaust manifolds.
Didn't the formal NYB's have an exhaust heat shield...I thought that was what was left of it on my NYB.
I swear I remember wiping the asbestos dust of my face scraping the gaskets. Did SB's have gaskets?

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I swear I remember wiping the asbestos dust of my face scraping the gaskets. Did SB's have gaskets?

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That I can't tell you positively, but I believe they didn't. Every big block I ever took apart that was "factory" didn't have a gasket. Someone else can verify the small block... I never did a lot with those.
Heres is the "none existing" gasket that someone put there.

If you want to put a new gasket on it, try this. Cut the gaskets so the bolt hole is slotted all the way to the bottom of the gasket. Then you can just pull the manifold out as far as you can, tear the old gasket out and slip the new one in from above. Then you won't have to jack the engine.
If you want to put a new gasket on it, try this. Cut the gaskets so the bolt hole is slotted all the way to the bottom of the gasket. Then you can just pull the manifold out as far as you can, tear the old gasket out and slip the new one in from above. Then you won't have to jack the engine.
I was thinking the same, but then i cant clean up the area between head and manifold, maybe pieces of the old gasket burnt, stuck in there.
If you want to put a new gasket on it, try this. Cut the gaskets so the bolt hole is slotted all the way to the bottom of the gasket. Then you can just pull the manifold out as far as you can, tear the old gasket out and slip the new one in from above. Then you won't have to jack the engine.

AND THAT IS A HELL OF AN ANSWER !!!!!!!! very smart
if you still want the manifold off just take the stud out of the back .. use two nuts and torque them down against each other the unscrew .. after dosing liberally with PB blaster or something similar