Getting ready for snow

I gotta admit having a snow blower that can throw the snow onto the roof of my neighbors three decker sounds good to me.
I think you guys need a winter hobby. I've already used my snow blower and the plow on my truck and I did do some nice wheelies across my yard today.:poke::poke:
In Ohio it seem like we only get enough snow that would be fun every 10-15 years, so we don't have any of your fun toys around here.
Nope... Still hate snow... and even more, I hate the cold. It makes my bones hurt.
The big thing I like about the cold is it keeps me focused working on any projects I have on the car. I don't want to do anything outside so I stay in my warm shop.
I don't think you would like it here. The temp is 11 degrees plus a 20 mph wind so the wind chill is below 0.

I'm in Syracuse.

Syracuse is the snowiest major city in the USA. We average 124 inches of snow here annually. A few years ago, over 210 inches fell here. It doesn't get quite as cold as some places, but we have below zero weather and a lot of snow.

It's snowing as I write this.....

I know winter......
Prevailing winds make all the difference. I'm at the west end of Lake Ontario AKA banana belt.

We get lake effect off Lake Ontario and Nor'Easters coming together. Lake Ontario never freezes, so the Lake Effect keeps up all winter.

It's actually worse just east of us on the Tug Hill Plateau.
My brother lives in Brockville across the lake from you. Everyone has a snowmobile there. From December to March all we get around here is a bit of brown slush. A few years ago we had no snow at all. Come on global warming LOL.