Hagerty doesn't like Mopar

That list is like the old "Hit Parade" in vinyl records used to be. It'll change with later weeks of time! Reflects "the market" rather than niche preferences, according to however they do their measurements. In other words, more fluff than substance. Gives them something to write about.

But now owned by the Chinese . I dumped C&S right after I found out the news .

Dave: I've had Condon & Skelly insurance for several years now, so when I saw your comment regarding Chinese ownership, I thought I would check it out.

It appears Condon & Skelly was acquired by another insurance outfit named: NSM Insurance Group. NSM was subsequently acquired by AIG, and I was unable to find any Chinese connection in these deals. Where did you hear about the Chinese ownership thing?
I suspect the Chinese are looking for "good investments" rather than "control" . . . at THIS time. On the other hand, if it weren't for Tata in India, we might not have Jaguar.

About a decade or so ago, when Citigroup was "floundering" some, Chinese investors helped them out by increasing their stake in ownership by about another 10%. To me, knowing how the Chinese are buying USTreasury Notes (our national debt), that should have been a red flag, but the financial people downplayed the possible of a Chinese financial takeover . . . OR seek to trade that debt for control. THIS is why economic issues with China might be rather touchy!

In other words, the USA is probably more "in hock" to other powerful countries who have an excess of money to put somewhere. I guess we should be proud those countries think so highly of our deeply in debt nation, but then we're not nearly as deep as some oriental nations!

Dave: I've had Condon & Skelly insurance for several years now, so when I saw your comment regarding Chinese ownership, I thought I would check it out.

It appears Condon & Skelly was acquired by another insurance outfit named: NSM Insurance Group. NSM was subsequently acquired by AIG, and I was unable to find any Chinese connection in these deals. Where did you hear about the Chinese ownership thing?

I received a notice in my renewal envelope a few years ago. . . I read the letter and threw the policy renewal information in the trash can . I try my hardest to support this country . Even if it means spending a little more or doing without a little longer . F them!
I have Condon Skelly and its unlimited miles so you can drive your classic car more that 3k and they are cheaper than Hagertys
Condon Skelly: Classic & Antique Car and Motorcycle Insurance

I have Hagerty's. I don't have any mileage limit and I think their prices are pretty reasonable. 5 cars for 1 full year, costs me around $600.
I switched from Grundy's a few years back because they were getting stupid with mileage limits, parade and show nonsense, and of course their prices were going up.
I have Hagerty too and as insurance goes I do like it but I’ve been thinking about shopping around for a better deal. Mainly it’s just that insuring any vehicle in Michigan is the worst.